This issue of Databits follows the September, 2006 LTER Information Managers’ Meeting in Estes Park, Colorado. The IM meeting was held in conjunction with the LTER All Scientists’ Meeting and included a number of Information Managers from around the world. In recent years, there has been an emphasis on establishing relationships among members of the International LTER community. This issue of Databits reflects this initiative with contributions from several ILTER participants. In addition to these contributions, there are a number of feature articles, news items, editorials, and suggested readings that we hope you find interesting and informative. DataBits continues as a semi-annual electronic publication of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. It is designed to provide a timely, online resource for research information managers and to incorporate rotating co-editorship. Availability
is through web browsing as well as hardcopy output. LTER mail list IMplus will receive DataBits publication notification.
Others may subscribe by sending email to majordomo@lternet.edu with two lines “subscribe databits” and “end” as the message body. To communicate suggestions, articles, and/or interest in co-editing, send email to databits-ed@lternet.edu.
—– Co-editors: Brian Riordan (BNZ), John Campbell (HBR)
Table of Contents
Feature Articles | ||
About this Issue | 2 | |
Developing Collaborative Information Management Systems | John Porter | 2 |
Developing Data Ethics for a Scientific Information Society (Part 1) | Avinash Chuntharpursat | 4 |
Pasta: A Network-level Architecture Design for Generating Synthetic Data Products in the LTER Network | Mark Servilla | 5 |
Three Challenges in Supporting Shared Workspaces | Mason Kortz | 18 |
Ocean Informatics Matlab Working Group, Mirroring the LTER Community Approach | Lynn Yarmey | 20 |
EML Status of the LTER Sites, Data Synthesis Examples and the Next Step | Inigo San Gil | 22 |
Ecological Metadata Language-Based Statistical Analysis | John Porter and Chi-Wen Hsiao | 24 |
Incorporating Information Management into the Luquillo LTER Schoolyard Program | Eda C. Meléndez-Colom , Elliot Lopez, Jorge R. Ortiz-Zayas, Clara I. Abad, Hilca Nieves Ri, and Aurea Berri Sá | 26 |
Editorials | ||
A Long-term investment of an LTER Information Manager’s Time | Ede C. Meléndez-Colom | 30 |
Scientific Meetings: Rigor, Relevance, and Variety | Karen Baker | 32 |
IM Friendship and JaLTER | Akiko Ogawa | 34 |
News Bits | ||
Hubbard Brook Dedicates Archive Building to Cindy Veen | John Campbell | 36 |
Controlled-Vocabulary Working Group Report | John H. Porter | 36 |
NSF Workshop: History and Theory of Infrastructure, Lessons for New Scientific Cyberinfrastructures | Florence Millerand | 37 |
Good Reads | ||
Ajax and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications | Sabine Grabner | 38 |
Metadata: Implementation of an International Framework | Karen Baker | 39 |
Data Curation in E-Science | Ted Gragson | 39 |