2009 LTER Education Committee Report

Between the 2006 and 2009 All Scientist Meetings, the Education Committee has continued to promote cross-site interactions and network-wide activities.

Spring 2006 Education Committee Report

Report of Activities of the LTER Executive Education Committee May 2006. Submitted by: M. Elser (CAP LTER), Education Committee co-chair.

Education Committee Report Fall 2004

The LTER Education Committee Report to the Fall 2004 Coordinating Committee meeting at Fairbanks, AK. Submitted by Robert Bohanan, Committee Chair, 18 August 2004.

Education Committee Report Spring 2004

Spring 2004 Education Committee Report to the LTER Coordinating Committee. Submitted by Robert Bohanan, Education Committtee Chair.

2002 LTER Education Symposium – Henry L. Gholz

LTER, BIO/DEB – NSF’s LTER Program Began in 1980 with 6 sites, Now: 24 field sites, 1 Network Office, 6 USFS collaborative sites (other agencies), $19M annual budget ($16M core), 5 NSF Directorates contribute to core funding