2002 LTER Education Symposium – Robert Bohanan

Center for Biology Education, UW-Madison & NTL-LTER – Seamless Environmental Education at North Temperate Lakes: K-12 students, teachers, and graduate students working together

LTER Education Strategic Plan

Executive Summary – Beginning in 1998, the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network formally expanded its education efforts to include K-12 students and teachers mainly through the Schoolyard (SLTER) program funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Each LTER site designed its own program in relation to the ecological research conducted at the site and the particular need and resources of its local school district and community.

Spring 2001 Education Committee Report

Schoolyard Education of the Long-Term Ecological Research Program (SLTER)- Report to the LTER Coordinating Committee – Spring 2001

Education Committee Report Fall 2000

At the 2000 All Scientists Meeting, a subgroup of the education committe representing interests directly related to the Schoolyard LTER program, met and subsequently submitted a request to hold a post-ASM2000 workshop. This workshop was held Dec 1 and 2 at the San Diego Supercomputer Center.