Stopping Harassment and Assault
NSF’s statement on harassment and assault which includes requirements instructions on reporting misconduct.
NSF’s statement on harassment and assault which includes requirements instructions on reporting misconduct.
Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES) is a comprehensive effort to enhance U.S. leadership in science and engineering discovery and innovation by proactively seeking and effectively developing science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) talent from all sectors and groups in our society.
The attached response to the report of the Fourth Decadal Review Committee was prepared by a working group of the LTER Executive Board with major input from the entire Executive Board. A draft version of the response was circulated to each of the representative committees (Information Management; Education and Outreach; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice)… Read more »
The fourth decadal review report on the LTER Network was commissioned by the advisory committee to the Biological Sciences directorate at the National Science Foundation (the BIO AC), which appointed a working group to respond to the charge described in the report. The report was delivered to and approved by the BIO-AC at their meeting… Read more »
2022 Mid-Term Review of the LTER Network Office Response of the LTER Network Office to NSF Site Visit Report
NSF site visit report on the LTER Network Office, based on review held February 23, 2022
The 2022 renewal solicitation for existing LTER sites (NSF document # 22543).
NSF solicitation NSF19544. Open competition for LTER Network Coordination Office, awarded to UCSB/NCEAS, which had supported the LTER Network Communications Office from 2015-2019 under a grant.