Poster Session A: Sunday, September 30-Monday, October 1
Poster Session B: Tuesday, October 2-Wednesday, October 3

Poster numbers: You will receive a number in the form (A or B)-(F or K)XXX when your poster is accepted. the leading A or B indicates which session you have been assigned. F or K indicates whether you are located in the Fred Farr Forum or the Kiln room. XXX indicates your assigned poster location.


Please tack up your poster in your assigned session and location by the following times.

  • Poster Session A: Put up Sunday evening, but no later than 8:30 a.m. on Monday, October 1.  Take down by 8:30 am Tuesday October 2.
  • Poster Session B: Put up no later than 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 2. Take down by 8:30 am Thursday October 4.

Design Details:

  • Poster dimensions: 45″ x 45″
  • Prominently display title, LTER site, and co-authors.
  • LTER Network logo and other Network graphic resources are available on the LTER Network website.
  • Use large fonts and clear graphic images. (Resolution should be a minimum of 150 pixels per inch at final print size).
  • Create your page layout at the size you intend to print.
  • Use design elements such as colored background boxes or arrows to group elements of your poster and lead a casual viewer through your information.
  • Posters will be displayed all day and participants can stop by anytime, but peak viewing will be during happy hour. Posters should be easy-to-follow without a lot of explanation. Refer viewers to websites, papers, or offer your contact information for follow-up.

Submit REU posters here