Posters at the ASM encourage informal interactions between new and old colleagues, expose attendees to a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar science, give REU’s a chance to share their work, and are just plain fun. 

This year, posters at the ASM are limited to one in-person session, where each site receives space for 4 posters. Additional posters will be hosted online on a virtual poster platform. Below are submission information for both types of posters.

Design Details

Design considerations for both in-person and virtual posters are the same. 

  • Poster dimensions: 45″ x 45″ maximum dimensions. 
  • Prominently display title, LTER site, and co-authors.
  • LTER Network logo and other Network graphic resources are available on the LTER Network website.
  • Use large fonts and clear graphic images. (Resolution should be a minimum of 150 pixels per inch at final print size).
  • Create your page layout at the size you intend to print.
  • Use design elements such as colored background boxes or arrows to group elements of your poster and lead a casual viewer through your information.
  • Posters will be displayed all day and participants can stop by anytime, but peak viewing will be after dinner on Tuesday. Posters should be easy-to-follow without a lot of explanation. Refer viewers to websites, papers, or offer your contact information for follow-up.

In-Person Posters: Setup/Takedown

This year’s poster session occurs at 7:00 PM PT on Tuesday, September 20. Each poster will have a reserved location in the poster session room. Posters will be hung starting at Noon on Tuesday, and will be taken down after the session. If presenting a poster, stay tuned for instructions on finding your spot once we receive the room layout.

Presenters are responsible for printing and transporting their own posters.

Virtual Posters

To accommodate all that wish to present posters despite limited space at Asilomar, we are also running a virtual poster session this year. Sites are able to submit as many posters as they wish to this virtual platform.

Virtual posters follow the same design criteria as physical posters (see above). When submitting, poster files must be fewer than 25mb in size. Files must be PDF’s.

Posters can be accompanied by a short video walkthrough describing the research. We strongly suggest uploading a short video with your poster, as it makes the virtual experience much more rich and interactive. Videos are hosted on an individual’s YouTube (or Vimeo, or other) channels, and linked on the platform. For help with hosting, contact the LTER Network Office. 

The platform also includes a chat function, where logged-in users can ask questions and interact with the presenters. This allows for a richer virtual experience than hosting posters statically. 

Virtual posters will be available at Asilomar on a video screen rotation and via the meeting app. In addition, we will identify a time, after the ASM, for a full online poster session. Virtual posters will be available for up to one year after the meeting. For questions about the virtual format, please contact the Network Office.