The memory of an oyster shell

A recent paper from researchers at the University of Georgia, in collaboration with the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, uses oxygen isotope analysis of mollusk shells found at archaeological sites to show how ancestral Muskogean villages collectively, and sustainably, managed shellfish harvest.

A Meditation on Mosquitos

As I find myself in the dog days of an Alaskan summer – powerless to change my bug-infested situation – there is no choice but acceptance.

A Lotta Gelata in the California Current Ecosystem!

There are a multitude of reasons why gelatinous zooplankton pose an enticing scientific challenge. Dante Capone explores why the CCE LTER studies these creatures in a new SSALTER blog post.

Reflecting on EDI: a decade in review

Appreciating the history, work, and future of the Long-Term Ecological Research Network’s data repository, the Environmental Data Initiative.