A Meditation on Mosquitos
As I find myself in the dog days of an Alaskan summer – powerless to change my bug-infested situation – there is no choice but acceptance.
As I find myself in the dog days of an Alaskan summer – powerless to change my bug-infested situation – there is no choice but acceptance.
A new synthesis from the Baltimore Ecosystem Study shows that residents with greater land and water cover in the Metropolitan Baltimore, Maryland area were less likely to perceive environmental problems.
A 104 year old dataset reveals that a Pacific Ocean cycle determines grass cover at New Mexico’s Jornada Basin LTER—and then shows that link is now broken.
There are a multitude of reasons why gelatinous zooplankton pose an enticing scientific challenge. Dante Capone explores why the CCE LTER studies these creatures in a new SSALTER blog post.
A new study leveraging a 40-year data set from old-growth forests demonstrates that trees can experience growth suppression or release depending on the identity and size of their downed neighbor.
Appreciating the history, work, and future of the Long-Term Ecological Research Network’s data repository, the Environmental Data Initiative.
An experimental approach takes a ground-level look at the ecological winners and losers of desert soil communities under shifting precipitation regimes in the Central Arizona-Phoenix LTER.
An LTER cross site synthesis effort reveals that soil carbon availability determines nitrogen mineralization and nitrification rates across a wide diversity of terrestrial ecosystems.
Novel analyses of a 31-year dataset on invading ladybeetles shows that small differences in habitat preference across years allow for two similar invading species to coexist while native species decline.
Considerable work happens behind the scenes as Sarah Garlick, Hubbard Brook’s Director of Science Engagement, brings together researchers and forest managers to identify shared research priorities in New Hampshire’s White Mountain National Forest.