LTER at ESA, 2024

The LTER Network always has a strong presence at the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, and this year is no different. See our talks here.

LTER Arts and Humanities Virtual Get-Together

The LTER arts and humanities working group will host a virtual get-together on November 29, 2023 (3 pm EST) for those interested in advancing arts-humanities work within their sites and across the network.

LTER at ESA, 2023

Dozens of talks, posters, short courses, and special sessions at the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting highlight LTER research.

LTER at ESA, 2022

ESA is always a great opportunity to present LTER research, demonstrate the power of our network, and make powerful connections across sites, institutions, and other networks. In 2022, ESA returns to an in-person format, and LTER sessions span from oral sessions, inspire talks, posters, and more. See the full list, organized by date, below. If… Read more »

Upcoming Panel Discussion on Community Engagement

The Community Building working group from the LTER Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee will be facilitating a panel discussion on community engagement with colleagues from across the network

2021 LTER Site Lightning Talks: November 8, 2021

On Monday, November 8, 2021 each LTER site will give a 5 minute lightning talk about a current research initiative within the overarching theme of human-environment interactions. Lightning talks are open to the public, so please share widely! There are three hour-long sessions throughout the day, with time for mingling and follow-up questions interspersed. 9… Read more »