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Director, University of Michigan Biological Station

Professor and Director of the U-M Biological Station The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA) at the University of Michigan solicits applications and nominations for the position of Director of the University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS). The UMBS, located in northern Michigan about 20 miles south of the Mackinac Straits and 230… Read more »

Assistant Professor of Limnology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Job Description The Center for Limnology and the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are accepting applications for an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) position beginning August 2020. They seek a candidate to develop an internationally-recognized research program in limnology and/or aquatic ecosystem ecology. Potential areas of expertise include water quality, aquatic biogeochemistry, quantitative… Read more »

Postdoctoral Fellowships (Urban Heat and Air Quality) for Healthy Urban Environments (HUE)

JOB# 67234 Healthy Urban Environments (HUE) The Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University About HUE Two post-doctoral fellowship positions are available at Arizona State University with the Healthy Urban Environments (HUE) initiative. HUE aims to serve as a solutions-focused research, policy and technology incubator to rapidly develop, test, and deploy heat-mitigation… Read more »

LTER Network News | 2019 August

LTER Network News is a forum for sharing news and activities from across the LTER Network. This is our water cooler. Please share personnel changes, new grants, cross-Network activities that might interest your LTER colleagues.

Ironing out the arctic carbon cycle

Adrianne Trusiak takes us through sampling to decipher the carbon cycle at Toolik Lake, home of the Arctic LTER.

Tools for Reproducible Analysis

Collaboration Collaboration and Productivity in Scientific Synthesis (BioScience, 2011) Gender-Heterogeneous Working Groups Produce Higher Quality Science (PLOS ONE, 2013) Practices for facilitating interdisciplinary synthetic research: the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) (Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2016) Best Practices for Virtual Participation in Meetings: Experiences from Synthesis Centers (Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 2017)… Read more »