Graduate Assistantship in Forest Nutrient Cycling at Hubbard Brook and Bartlett Experimental Forest

Ruth Yanai is seeking new graduate students (MS or PhD) to participate in a large collaborative project investigating above and belowground carbon allocation, nutrient cycling, and tradeoffs involved in multiple resource allocation.  The Multiple Element Limitation in Northern Hardwood Ecosystems (MELNHE) project has field sites located at Hubbard Brook, Jeffers Brook, and Bartlett Experimental Forests… Read more »

MS and PhD Research opportunities in the Malone Disturbance Ecology Lab

Research opportunities (MS and PhD) are available in the Malone Disturbance Ecology Lab ( at Florida International University. Potential project topics include: (1) Fire regimes and community change in the Florida Everglades (GIS and Remote Sensing). (2) Hurricane induced greenhouse gas hotspots in wetland ecosystems (Carbon Fluxes; Remote Sensing). (3) Megafires and landscape patterns (GIS… Read more »

PhD assistantship in Everglades Biogeochemistry

We are seeking a highly motivated student for a Ph.D. position in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alabama. This is an interdisciplinary project, crossing the fields of ecological modeling, atmospheric sciences, plant ecology, and global change. As anthropogenic actions interact with a changing climate, the carbon dynamics of Everglades wetland ecosystems… Read more »

Ph.D. Assistantship in Arctic Estuarine Ecology

A Ph.D. research assistantship is available (beginning summer 2019) in Ken Dunton’s lab at the University of Texas at Austin Marine Science Institute. This position is part of an interdisciplinary program funded by the National Science Foundation to study the benthic ecology of Beaufort Sea lagoons within a newly established LTER located on Alaska’s northern… Read more »

DataONE Summer Internship Program

Looking for an opportunity to spend your summer working on projects associated with open data infrastructure and community? Apply for a DataONE Summer Internship. Undergraduates, graduates and recent postgraduates are invited to apply to work remotely with DataONE for nine weeks between May and July 2019. There are six project opportunities, and four internships will… Read more »

CZO SAVI Summer Interns Program

The Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs) represent a wide range of environmental and landscape settings. To enable broad understanding of the evolution, function and sustainability of the Critical Zone, the CZOs have begun to articulate scientific questions that are common and have value across the entire CZO network. Those questions are: What controls CZ properties? And… Read more »

CZO SAVI International Scholars Program

In recognition of the global nature and continuing success of Critical Zone (CZ) science, the U.S. NSF has provided funding to the CZ Observatory (CZO) Science Across Virtual Institutes (SAVI) project to enable travel to CZ sites or pre-eminent laboratories overseas to further the investigation of the CZ. This announcement is an open solicitation for… Read more »

Graduate Student Opportunities (3) at Northern Gulf of Alaska LTER

The Northern Gulf of Alaska Long Term Ecological Research (NGA LTER) project announces multiple openings for graduate students at the University of Alaska Fairbanks that will begin Fall, 2019. Specialities include trace metal biogeochemistry, zooplankton ecology or physiology, and high latitude physical oceanography. This project is part of the NGA LTER site. Therefore, student research… Read more »

Ph.D. Assistantship in Arctic Estuarine Ecology

A Ph.D. research assistantship is available (beginning summer 2019) in Ken Dunton’s lab at the University of Texas at Austin Marine Science Institute ( This position is part of an interdisciplinary program funded by the National Science Foundation to study the benthic ecology of Beaufort Sea lagoons within a newly established LTER located on Alaska’s… Read more »

UREx SRN International Research Experience for Students

The Resilient Urban Latin America (RULA) International Research Experience for Students (IRES) project offers one undergraduate and three graduate students the opportunity to conduct nine weeks of onsite research in a Latin American city that faces climate extremes. The research experience is in Hermosillo, Mexico in 2019. See the application for date selections. This research will… Read more »