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Moorea Coral Reef Site Brochure

This brochure provides a description and overview of research activities at the Moorea Coral Reef LTER.

Network News Vol. 23 No.1 Spring 2010

Featured Stories: LTER Network Awarded 2010 AIBS Distinguished Scientist Award; LNO completes Operational Plan; NEON developing Airborne Spectrometer; EcoTrends update; Andrews RET Wins National Environmental Prize; Late breaking news; Long Term Trends in Ecological Systems: a basis for understanding responses to global change; Comings and Goings; LNO posts mini-symposium webcasts online; NSF News: NSF completes 2009 site reviews and initiates 30-Year review of the LTER program; Site News: Tornado touches down at SGS LTER; SGS hosts Danish researchers; SGS scientist co-authors special issue of

DataBits Newsletter, Spring 2010

The depth and breath of thought in the LTER IM community is once again made apparent in this latest issue of Databits. Within, you will find a discussion of the software tools being used in the cyberinfrastructure development effort by the LTER Network Office. Lynn Yarmey provides a description of the Panton Principles for open… Read more »