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2006 LNO Site Survey

2006 survey to LTER sites on LNO performance.

DataBits Newsletter, Spring 2008

Table of Contents Title Author Page Feature Articles The FCE LTER Website has a NEW look! Linda Powell 1 Developing a Searchable Document and Imagery Archive for the GCE-LTER Web Site Wade Sheldon 5 Improving the Basic Keyword Search for Datasets by Employing Text Mining Techniques and Indexing Hung V. Nguyen, Corinna Gries, Hasan Davulcu… Read more »

Network News Vol. 20 No.2 Fall 2007

In This issue: Wireless technology to the rescue; Decadal Plan for LTER now released; LTER sites engage the Arts and Humanities; LNO renewal proposal under development; Report on Integrating Social Science into NSF Environmental Observatories; OBFS data to be queried via ORNLDAAC’s search system; LNO cyberinfrastructure project gets NSF funding; Web logs catching on in LTER; NSF concludes 2007 LTER mid-term site reviews; current affairs at Andrews; NTL scientists providing leadership in GLEON; Shortgrass Steppe does Ag Day; VCR investigating carbon cycling in a lagoonal salt marsh; SEEDS progr

24: The Decadal Plan For LTER

The final release of the Decadal Plan for LTER – reformatted for book publication with citation as LTER Network Publication #24.