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2007 LNO Annual Report to the Executive Board

This report summarizes activities and accomplishments of the LTER Network Office (LNO) during the period March 1, 2006 until February 28, 2007. Along with the survey of sites administered by the Executive Board, this document will be used to facilitate the annual review of LNO performance. – Presented to the LTER Excutive Board

Shrub Expansion and Dynamics Across the LTER Network: A Cross-Site Synthesis of Patterns, Mechanisms and Consequences

The general goal of the workshop was to complete and extend our cross-site synthetic research begun in previous meetings supported by this x-site program. At the end of the workshop we decided to plan to host two additional workshops in order to (1) finish a manuscript based on our previous analysis of the ecological consequences of shrub expansion in grasslands and (2) to strategize regarding additional data collection needs to strengthen our synthetic database focused on LTER and non-LTER sites across North America.