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BioScience 2003: Long-Term Research on Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions

Selected findings from the LTER program are described in the field of biosphere-atmosphere interactions. Focus on Palmer and North Temperate Lakes data. Authors: David Greenland, Bruce P. Hayden, John J. Magnuson, Scott V. Ollinger, Roger A. Pielke Sr., and Raymond C. Smith. From BioScience, January 2003/Vol. 53 No. 1.

BioScience 2003: The US Long Term Ecological Research Program

Describes the then-24 projects of the LTER and the fundamental and applied ecological issues that can be understood only through a long-term approach. Authors: John E. Hobbie, Stephen R. Carpenter, Nancy B. Grimm, James R. Gosz, and Timothy R. Seastedt. From BioScience, January 2003/Vol. 53 No. 1.

Spring 2006 NISAC Committee Report

LTER Network Information System Advisory Committee (NISAC) Report to the Coordinating Committee (CC) 10 May 2006 Prepared by NISAC

Spring 2006 International Committee Report

US-LTER International Committee Report to the LTER Coordinating Committee, Spring 2006 meeting May 15, 2006 Prepared by Patrick Bourgeron and Steve Hamburg for the US-LTER International Committee