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2005 National Advisory Board Report

Report of the NAB from 29 September 2005 meeting, submitted by Peter Arzburger on behalf of the National Advisory Board. Report finalized October 5, 2005

Niwot Ridge LTER Site Brochure

This brochure provides a description and overview of research activities at the Niwot Ridge LTER site.

Arctic LTER Site Brochure

This brochure provides a description and overview of research activities at the Arctic LTER site.

Network News Vol. 18 No. 2 Fall 2005

Clutter Retires, Collins Takes Over as Head of Biological Sciences at NSF; NSF Completes Year 2005 LTER Site Reviews; LTER and OBFS Hail Benefits of Partnership; LNO Remote Sensing Data Archive Now Available Through Metacat; PIE LTER Facilitates Student-Teacher-Scientist Collaborations; Graduate Students Hold First Ever Conference; ILTER Network Hires New Coordinator; LNO, NSF Publish New Brochures

Fall 2005 Report of the Mid-term Site Review Team for the LTER Network Office

The Mid-term Site Review Team (SRT) strongly recommends that the National Science Foundation (NSF) invite a renewal proposal from the LTER Network Office (LNO) at the University of New Mexico. Reviewers: Steve Carpenter, Chris Jones, Deb Peters, Dwayne Porter, Brenda Shears, Wade Sheldon, Russ Schmitt 10-11 October 2005

LTER Network Data Access Policy Revision: Report and Recommendations

James Brunt, Peter McCartney, Stuart Gage, and Don Henshaw, October 2004, in a response to a request from the LTER Network Information System Advisory Committee; Text amended April 13, 2005 to reflect approval of recommendations by the LTER CC.