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Spring 2006 Education Committee Report

Report of Activities of the LTER Executive Education Committee May 2006. Submitted by: M. Elser (CAP LTER), Education Committee co-chair.

LTER DataBits Spring 2006

Featured in this issue: Welcome to a robust issue of the Spring 2006 DataBits’!!! We had many submittals this issue and the articles really show the diversity of this group. We hope you have as much fun reading this issue as we did putting it together. As many of the LTER sites have EML documents being generated, the focus of the IM community has shifted from generating EML to working with EML. There is a series of four articles in this issue of DataBits’ that explore multiple approaches with differing timeframes that IM’s are developing that will lead to better data discovery within EML.

Network News Vol. 19 No.1 Spring 2006

Traditional Ecological Knowledge gains currency in LTER; Reflections on LTER beginnings, challenges, and the future; Engaging social scientists in LTER research; SEEDS of partnership; CCE holds first Annual Meeting Service at Salado; Harvard Forest Schoolyard science project featured in Boston Globe; BES teacher shares earthworm research with Maryland colleagues; HFR Schoolyard teachers present at Environmental Education Conference; NSF hosts 6th LTER mini-symposium; Lost Seal ‘found’ in McMurdo Dry Valley; Luquillo’s Journey to El Yunque curriculum gets excellent rating; SGS Schoolyard LTER s