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Network News Vol. 18 No. 1 Spring 2005

New portal for the LTER Network Newsletter. Top Stories: NSF Director Dr. Arden Bement praises LTER, Planning Grant Activities, 2005 LTER Mini-Symposium.

LTER Network Data Access Policy 2005

This policy is retained for historical purposes. It has been replaced by 2012 and 2017 revisions to the policy.

DataBits Newsletter, Spring 2005

Table of Contents Following years of efforts in developing a Network Information System (NIS), LTER information managers report on two of its completed components: CLIMDB/HYDRODB and Network All-Site Bibliography. More recently, the LTER sites started the process of exporting their metadata databases into Ecological Metadata Language (EML), a “metadata specification developed by the ecology discipline… Read more »

Spring 2005 International Committee Report

US-LTER International Committee Report to the LTER Coordinating Committee, Spring 2005 meeting 30 March 2005 Prepared by Patrick Bourgeron for the US-LTER International Committee

Spring 2005 Information Management Committee Report

LTER Information Managers Report to the Coordinating Committee Prepared by IMExec 29 March 2005 Summary of Information Managers Committee (IMC) activities since LTER CC meeting at BNZ / ARC, August 2004.

Spring 2005 Technology Committee Report

Report of the LTER Technology Committee, Spring, 2005 to the LTER Coordinating Committee John Vande Castle, Committee Chair