
2011. The propagating response of coastal circulation due to wind relaxations along the central California coast 116: C12028.
2012. Beach response dynamics of a littoral cell using a 17-year single-point time series of sand thickness 139-140: 588-598.
2011. Analysis of abrupt transitions in ecological systems 2: art129.
2011. Climate-driven increases in storm frequency simplify kelp forest food webs 17(8): 2513-2524.
2011. A multispecies laboratory assessment of rapid sphorophyte recruitment from delayed kelp gametophytes 47(2): 244-251.
2011. Environmental controls of giant-kelp biomass in the Santa Barbara Channel, California 429: 1-17.
2011. An integrated conceptual framework for long-term social-ecological research 9: 351-357.
2010. The value of spatial information in MPA network design 107: 18294-18299.
2011. Phylogeography of Emerita analoga (Crustacea, Decapoda, Hippidae), an eastern Pacific Ocean sand crab with long-lived pelagic larvae 38(8): 1600-1612.
2011. Beach grooming and the loss of coastal strand habitats in southern California 6: 119-120.
2010. A laboratory-based, experimental system for the study of ocean acidification effects on marine invertebrate larvae 8: 441-452.
2010. Ocean Measurements from Space in 2025 23: 144-161.
2010. Thermal tolerance of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus early life history stages: mortality, stress-induced gene expression and biogeographic patterns 157: 2677-2687.
2012. Collaborative assessment of California spiny lobster population and fishery responses to a marine reserve network 22: 322-335.
2010. Cost of vessel insurance in collaborative fisheries resesarch: Strageties and perspectives from a program in California, USA 96: 129-145.
2011. Mapping the U.S. West Coast surface circulation: A multiyear analysis of high-frequency radar observations 116: C03011.
2011. Snail responses to cues produced by an invasive decapod predator 130: 226-235.
2012. Contrasting effects of an invasive crayfish species on two temperate stream communities 57: 526-540.
2010. Merged satellite ocean color data products using a bio-optical model: Characteristics, benefits and issues 114: 1791-1804.
2011. Improving biogeochemical knowledge through technological innovation 9: 37-43.