
Antonika, Anita;Wolf, J ulie;Bowker, Matthew;Classen, Aime;Johnson, Nany 2009. Linking above- and belowground responses to global change at community and ecosystem scales. 15: 914-929. doi:LTER.
Nanus, L.;Williams, M.W;Campbell, D.H.;Tonnessen, K.A.;Blett, T.;Clow, D.W. 2009. Assessment of lake sensitivity to acidic deposition in national parks of the Rocky Mountains : 961-973.
Dijkstra, Feike;West, Jason;Hobbie, Sarah;Reich, Peter;Trost, Jared 2007. Plant diversity, CO2, and N influence inorganic and organic n leaching in grasslands. 88: 490-500. doi:LTER.
Kay, Adam;Schade, John;Ogdhal, Megan;Wesserle, Eleonore;Hobbie, Sarah 2007. Fire effects on insect herbivores in an oak savanna: the role of nutrients and light 32: 754-761. doi:LTER.
Lau, J;Shaw, R;Reich, Peter;Shaw, F;Tiffin, P 2007. Strong ecological but weak evolutionary effects of elevated CO2 on a recombinant inbred population of Arabidopsis thaliana 175: 351. doi:LTER.
Parton, W;Hart, S;Fasth, B;Silver, W;Burke, I;Grassens, L;Harmon, M;Currie, W;King, J;Adair, E;Brandt, L 2007. Global-scale similarities in nitrogen release patterns during long-term decomposition 315: 361. doi:LTER.
Reich, Peter;Wright, I;Lusk, C 2007. Predicting leaf physiology from simple plant and climate attributes: A global GLOPNET analysis 17: 1982. doi:LTER.
Baer, S;Engle, D;Knops, John;Langeland, K;Maxwell, B;Menalled, F;Symstad, A 2008. Vulnerability of rehabilitated agricultural production systems to invasion by non-target plant species 43: 189-196. doi:LTER.
Clark, C;Hobbie, S;Venterea, R;Tilman, David 2008. Long-lasting effects on N cycling 12 years after treatments cease despite minimal long-term N retention (Accepted) doi:LTER.
Clark, C;Tilman, David 2008. Loss of plant species after chronic low-level nitrogen deposition to prairie grasslands 451: 712-715. doi:LTER.
Cornwell, William;Pe´ rez-Harguindeguy, Natalia;Quested, Helen;Santiago, Louis;Wardle, David;Wright, Ian;Aerts, Rien;Allison, Steven;van Bodegom, Peter;Brovkin, Victor;Chatain, Alex;Cornelissen, Johannes;Callaghan, Terry;Dı´az, Sandra;Garnier, Eric;Gurvich, Diego;Kazakou, Elena;Klein, Julia;Read, Jenny;Reich, Peter;Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda;Vaieretti, M;Amatangelo, Kathryn;Westoby, Mark;Dorrepaal, Ellen;Eviner, Valerie;Godoy, Oscar;Hobbie, Sarah;Hoorens, Bart;Kurokawa, Hiroko 2008. Plant traits are the predominant control on litter decomposition rates within biomes worldwide 11: 1065-1071. doi:LTER.
Dybzinsk, Ray;Fargione, Joseph;Zak, Donald;Fornara, Dario;Tilman, David 2008. Soil fertility increases with plant species diversity in a long-term biodiversity experiment 10: 1007. doi:LTER.
Fargione, Joseph;Hill, J;Tilman, David;Polasky, S;Hawthorne, P 2008. Effects on land and fire – Response 321: 199. doi:LTER.
Fargione, Joseph;Hill, J;Tilman, David;Polasky, S;Hawthorne, P 2008. Biofuels: Putting current practices in perspective – Response 320: 1420. doi:LTER.
Fargione, Joseph;Hill, J;Tilman, David;Polasky, S;Hawthorne, P 2008. Land clearing and the biofuel carbon debt 319: 1235. doi:LTER.
Fornara, D;Tilman, David;Hobbie, Sarah 2008. Linkages between plant functional composition, fine root processes and potential soil N mineralization rates (Accepted) doi:LTER.
Fornara, D;Tilman, David 2008. Ecological mechanisms associated with the positive diversity-productivity relationship: evidence from a long-term, N-limited grassland experiment (Accepted) doi:LTER.
Fornara, D;Tilman, David 2008. Plant functional composition influences rates of soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation 94: 314. doi:LTER.
Fox, J;Harpole, W 2008. Revealing how species loss affects ecosystem function: The trait-based price equation partition 89: 269. doi:LTER.
Hernandez, D;Hobbie, Sarah 2008. Effects of fire frequency on oak litter decomposition and N dynamics 158: 535-543. doi:LTER.