
Zak, D. R., D. Tilman, R. R. Parmenter, C. W. Rice, F. M. Fisher, J. Vose, D. Milchunas, and C. W. Martin 1994. Plant production and soil microorganisms in late-successional ecosystems: a continental-scale study.
Meyer, J.L. 1994. The microbial loop in flowing waters. 28: 195-199..
Hedman, C.W., Van Lear, D.H. 1994. Large woody debris loading patterns in southern appalachian streams S.: functions, values and management.
Nihlgard, B.J., Swank, W.T., Mitchell, M.J. 1994. Biological Processes and Catchment Studies
Swift, L.W., Ledford, E.S. 1994. Where is bankfull in small southern Appalachian stream channels? S.: Functions, Values and Management.
Vose, J.M., Swank, W.T. 1994. Effects of long-term drought on the hydrology and growth of a white pine plantation in the southern Appalachians
Yeakley, J.A., Meyer, J.L., Swank, W.T. 1994. Hillslope nutrient flux during near-stream vegetation removal I. A multi-scaled modeling design 77: 229 -246..
Autry, A. R., and J. W. Fitzgerald 1993. Relationship between microbial activity, biomass and organosulfur formation in forest soil.
Clinton, B., L.R. Boring 1993. Characteristics of canopy gaps and drought influences in oak forests of the Coweeta Basin.
Clinton, B., J.J. Vose, and W.T. Swank 1993. Site preparation burning to improve southern Appalachian pine-hardwood stands: vegetation composition and diversity of 13-year-old stands.load
Elliott, K. J., and James M. Vose 1993. Site preparation burning ot improve southern Appalachian pine-hardwood stands: photosynthesis, water relations, and growth of planted Pinus strobus L. during establishment.
Elliott, K. J., and B. D. Clinton 1993. Equations for estimating biomass of herbaceous and woody vegetation in early-successional Southern Appalachian pine-hardwood forests. Note SE-365. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Asheville, NC. 7 p.: .
Tramer, Elliot J. 1993. Breeding Bird Censuses at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory: A Comparison of 1967 and 1993
Van Lear, David H. 1993. Dynamics of Coarse Woody Debris in Southern Forest Ecosystems
Johnson, D., W. Swank, and J. Vose 1993. Simulated effects of atmospheric sulfur deposition on nutrient cycling in a mixed deciduous forest.
Knoepp, J. D., and Wayne T. Swank 1993. Site preparation burning to improve southern Appalachian pin-hardwood stands: nitrogen responses in soil, soil water, and streams. : .
Neary, D. G., N.B. Comerford, and L. W. Swift 1993. Land and riparian interactions with sediment in the southern United States.
Elliott, K. J., and A. S. White 1994. Effects of Light, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus on Red Pine Seedling Growth and Nutrient Use Efficiency.
Elliott, K., and W. Swank 1994. Impacts of drought on tree mortality and growth in a mixed hardwood forest.
Elliott, K. J., and W. T. Swank 1994. Changes in tree species diversity after successive clearcuts in the Southern Appalachians.