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Rastetter, E. B. ;Shaver, G. R. 1992. A model of multiple-element limitation for acclimating vegetation 73 (4): 1157-1174.
Nadelhoffer, K. J. ;Giblin, A. E. ;Shaver, G. R. ;Laundre, J. A. 1991. Effects of temperature and substrate quality on element mineralization in six Arctic soils 72 (1): 242-253.
Rastetter, E. B. ;Ryan, M. G. ;Shaver, G. R. ;Melillo, J. M. ;Nadelhoffer, K. J. ;Hobbie, J. E. ;Aber, J. D. 1991. A general biogeochemical model describing the responses of the C and N cycles in terrestrial ecosystems to changes in CO2, climate, and N deposition 9 (1-2): 101-126.
Fetcher, N. ;Shaver, G. R. 1990. Environmental sensitivity of ecotypes as a potential influence on primary productivity 136 (1): 126-131.
Chapin, F. S., III ;Shaver, G. R. 1989. Differences in growth and nutrient use among arctic plant growth forms 3 (1): 73-80.
Shaver, G. R. ;Chapin, F. S., III ;Gartner, B. L. 1986. Factors limiting seasonal growth and peak biomass accumulation in Eriophorum vaginatum in Alaskan tussock tundra 74 (1): 257-278.
Chapin, F. S., III ;Shaver, G. R. ;Kedrowski, R. A. 1986. Environmental controls over carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fractions in Eriophorum vaginatum in Alaskan tussock tundra 74 (1): 167-195.
Gartner, B. L. ;Chapin, F. S., III ;Shaver, G. R. 1986. Reproduction of Eriophorum vaginatum by seed in Alaskan tussock tundra 74 (1): 1-18.
Shaver, G. R. ;Chapin, F. S., III 1986. Effect of fertilizer on production and biomass of tussock tundra, Alaska, U.S.A 18 (3): 261-268.
Chapin, F. S., III ;Shaver, G. R. 1985. Individualistic growth response of tundra plant species to environmental manipulations in the field 66 (2): 564-576.
Shaver, G. R. 1983. Mineral nutrition and leaf longevity in Ledum palustre : The role of individual nutrients and the timing of leaf mortality 56 (2-3): 160-165.
Chester, A. L. ;Shaver, G. R. 1982. Reproductive effort in cotton grass tussock tundra 5 (2): 200-206.
Chester, A. L. ;Shaver, G. R. 1982. Seedling dynamics of some cotton grass tussock tundra species during the natural revegetation of small disturbed areas 5 (2): 207-211.
McGraw, J. B. ;Shaver, G. R. 1982. Seedling density and seedling survival in Alaskan cotton grass tussock tundra 5 (2): 212-217.
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Rouse, W.R. ;Douglas, M. ;Hecky, R.E. ;Hershey, A. ;Kling, G.W. ;Lesack, L. ;Marsh, P. ;McDonald, M. ;Nicholson, B. ;Roulet, N. ;Smol, J. 1997. Effects of climate change on the fresh waters of arctic and subarctic North America 11: 873-902..
Haney, J.F. ;Buchanan, C. 1987. Distribution and biogeography of Daphnia in the Arctic. 45: 77-105..
Bret-Harte, M.S. ;Shaver, G.R. ;Zoerner, J.P. ;Johnstone, J.F. ;Wagner, J.L. ;Chavez, A.S. ;Gunkelman, R.F. IV ;Lippert, S.C. ;Laundre, J.A. 2001. Developmental plasticity allows Betula Nana to dominate tundra subjected to an altered environment 82 (1): 18-32.
Wollheim, W. M. ;Peterson, B. J. ;Deegan, L. A. ;Hobbie, J. E. ;Hooker, B. ;Bowden, W. B. ;Edwardson, K. J. ;Arscott, D. B. ;Hershsey, A. E. ;Finlay, J. 2001. Influence of stream size on ammonium and suspended particulate nitrogen processing 46 (1): 1-13.