
McDonnell, Jeffrey J. 2003. Where does water go when it rains? Moving beyond the variable source area concept of rainfall-runoff response 17: 1869-1875.
McDonnell, Jeffrey J. 2004. Editorial: HPToday and HPTomorrow 18: 2739-2741.
McDonnell, Jeffrey J. ;Tanaka, Tadashi ;Mitchell, M. J. ;Ohte, Nobuhito 2001. Foreword: Hydrology and biogeochemistry of forested catchments 15: 1673-1674.
Seibert, Jan ;Bishop, Kevin ;Rodhe, Allan ;McDonnell, Jeffrey J. 2003. Groundwater dynamics along a hillslope: a test of the steady state hypothesis 39 (1): .
Seibert, Jan ;McDonnell, Jeffrey J. 2002. On the dialog between experimentalist and modeler in catchment hydrology: use of soft data for multicriteria model calibration 38 (11): .
Sivapalan, M. ;Takeuchi, K. ;Franks, S. W. ;Gupta, V. K. ;Karambiri, H. ;Lakshmi, V. ;Liang, X. ;McDonnell, Jeffrey J. ;Mendiondo, E. M. ;O'Connell, P. E. ;Oki, T. ;Pomeroy, J. W. ;Schertzer, D. ;Uhlenbrook, Stefan ;Zehe, E. 2003. IAHS decade on predictions in ungauged basins (PUB), 2003-2012: shaping an exciting future for the hydrological sciences 48 (6): 857-880.
Uchida, Taro ;McDonnell, Jeffrey J. ;Asano, Yuko 2006. Functional intercomparison of hillslopes and small catchments by examining water source, flowpath and mean residence time 327: 627-642.
Uhlenbrook, Stefan ;McDonnell, Jeffrey J. ;Leibundgut, Chris 2003. Special issue: runoff generation and implications for river basin modelling 17 (2): 197-512.
Uhlenbrook, Stefan ;McDonnell, Jeffrey J. ;Leibundgut, Chris 2003. Preface: runoff generation and implications for river basin modelling special issue 17 (2): 197-198.
Valachovic, Yana S. 2002. Species richness, abundance, and composition of hypogeous and epigeous ectomycorrhizal fungal sporocarps in young, rotation-age, and old-growth stands of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in the Cascade Range of Oregon, U.S.A. 80: 186-204.
Weiler, Markus ;McDonnell, Jeffrey J. 2004. Virtual experiments: a new approach for improving process conceptualization in hillslope hydrology 285: 3-18.
Lookingbill, Todd R. ;Goldenberg, Neal E. ;Williams, Brian H. 2004. Understory species as soil moisture indicators in Oregon's western Cascades old-growth forests 78 (3): 214-224.
Holub, Scott M. ;Lajtha, Kate 2004. The fate and retention of organic and inorganic 15N-nitrogen in an old-growth forest soil in western Oregon 7: 368-380.
Spears, Julie D. H. ;Lajtha, Kate 2004. The imprint of coarse woody debris on soil chemistry in the western Oregon Cascades 71: 163-175.
Holub, Scott M. ;Lajtha, Kate ;Spears, Julie D. H. ;Toth, Janos A. ;Crow, Susan E. ;Caldwell, Bruce A. ;Papp, Mária ;Nagy, P. T. 2005. Organic matter manipulations have little effect on gross and net nitrogen transformations in two temperate forest mineral soils in the USA and central Europe 214: 320-330.
Griffiths, Robert P. ;Madritch, Michael D. ;Swanson, Alan K. 2005. Conifer invasion of forest meadows transforms soil characteristics in the Pacific Northwest 208: 347-358.
Gooseff, Michael N. ;LaNier, Justin M ;Haggerty, Roy ;Kokkeler, Kenneth 2005. Determining in-channel (dead zone) transient storage by comparing solute transport in a bedrock channel–alluvial channel sequence, Oregon 41 (W06014): .
Wondzell, Steven M. 2006. Effect of morphology and discharge on hyporheic exchange flows in two small streams in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon, USA 20: 267-287.
Anderson, Justin K. ;Wondzell, Steven M. ;Gooseff, Michael N. ;Haggerty, Roy 2005. Patterns in stream longitudinal profiles and implications for hyporheic exchange flow at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, USA 19: 2931-2949.
Gooseff, Michael N. ;Anderson, Justin K. ;Wondzell, Steven M. ;LaNier, Justin M ;Haggerty, Roy 2006. A modeling study of hyporheic exchange pattern and the sequence, size, and spacing of stream bedforms in mountain stream networks, Oregon, USA 20 (11): 2443-2457.