
Chen, Hua 1999. Root decomposition in three coniferous forests: effects of substrate quality, temperature, and moisture
Valachovic, Yana S. 1998. Leaf litter chemistry and decomposition in a Pacific Northwest coniferous forest ecosystem
Bonin, Heather L. 1997. Fine benthic matter (FBOM) dynamics in low-order mountain streams: (1) methods evaluation and (2) the effects of stand age, season, and elevation on FBOM nutrient availability and microbiological characteristics
Wemple, Beverley C. 1998. Investigations of runoff production and sedimentation on forest roads
London, Sharon 1999. Spatial distribution of understory vegetation in tree canopy gaps of the Pacific Northwest
Leonard, Norman E. 1998. Variations in the trophic ecology and densities of Ascaphus truei in two streams with different timber management histories
Bredensteiner, Kim 1998. An investigation of vegetation – hydrology interactions in watershed 1 at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
Wright, Pamela 1998. The effect of fire regime on coarse woody debris in the west central Cascades, Oregon
Weisberg, Peter J. 1998. Fire history, fire regimes, and development of forest structure in the central western Oregon Cascades
Hunter, Matthew G. 1998. Watershed-level patterns among stream amphibians in the Blue River watershed, west-central Cascades of Oregon
Burke, Tenley Boehm 1998. The capability of a GIS to contribute to the social assessment of forest communities: a case study of the central Cascades Adaptive Management Area
Johnson, Cedar 1998. Temporal comparison of stream temperature of three basins located in the Cascade Range of Oregon, USA
Braudrick, Christian A. 1997. Entrainment, transport, and deposition of large woody debris in streams: results from a series of flume experiments
Allen, Marganne Mary 1997. Soil compaction and disturbance following a thinning of second-growth Douglas-fir with a cut-to-length and a skyline system in the Oregon Cascades
Lambert, Beth C. 1997. The effects of hillslope and fluvial processes on particle size of the stream bed at the watershed, reach, and within-reach scales in a fifth-order mountain stream
Perkins, Reed M. 1997. Climatic and physiographic controls on peakflow generation in the western Cascades, Oregon
Parendes, Laurie A. 1997. Spatial patterns of invasion by exotic plants in a forested landscape
Jeong, Soon-Chun 1997. Evolution and ecology of the Ceanothus-Frankia symbiosis
Rosentrater, Lynn D. 1997. The thermal climate of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon
Ngoy, Kikombo Ilunga 1997. Spatial and temporal patterns of forest cover in the central western Cascades of Oregon and southeast Zaire: a test of distance decay and deforestation models