
Fredericks, R. 2000. From farm to forest: The land-use history and carbon stocks of a reforested farm in central New Hampshire : 51.
Rubenstein, D. R. 1999. Using stable-carbon isotopes to determine the breeding origin and extent of population mixing in Black-throated Blue Warblers wintering in the Caribbean
Strobridge, D. M. 1999. Chemical weathering in the unsaturated zone: the effect of plant type on porewater residence time : 136.
Johnson, M. 1999. Habitat suitability for canopy-foraging warblers wintering in Jamaica: patterns, determinants, and conservation implications
Pardo, L. H. 1999. Natural abundance of 15N as a tool for assessing patterns of nitrogen loss from forest ecosystems : 136.
Randall, J. A. 1999. Patterns of ice damage in a young northern hardwood forest : 24.
Henson, J. A. 1999. Does JABOWA work? A verification study of the first gap model using data from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, and some potential policy implications : 30.
Houlton, B. Z. 1999. The effects of ice storm damage on the biogeochemistry of northern forest ecosystems
Atlee, J. R. 1999. The effects of whole tree harvest on soil carbon and nitrogen after 15 years : 34.
Ferrarese, J. 1999. A comparison of the forest floor macroarthropod communities in the spruce-fir and upper hardwood zones of two watersheds in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire : 26.
Teeling, L. M. 1998. The floristic diversity of the experimental watersheds of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire : 117.
Wright, B. 1998. Song rate variation and the function of song in the black-throated blue warbler (Dendroica caerulescens)
Marra, P. P. 1998. Causes and consequences of sexual habitat segregation in a migrant songbird during the non-breeding season
Medori, A. 1998. Seasonal and habitat changes in the diet of a neotropical migrant warbler, with special emphasis on the conservation value of shade coffee plantations : 57.
Nielsen, C. B. 1998. Changes in microbial respiration and nitrogen cycling following soil freezing : 26.
Nuengsigkapian, P. 1998. Have our forests stopped growing? Detecting changes in forest productivity through analyzing 150 years of aboveground biomass accumulation in the White Mountains of New Hampshire : 43.
Rodgers, B. 1998. Studies of molecular size of soil organic matter in a northern hardwood forest soil
Goode, D. J. 1998. Ground-water age and atmospheric tracers: simulation studies and analysis of field data from the Mirror Lake site, New Hampshire : 194.
Joyce, E. M. 1998. Incubation patterns of female black-throated blue warblers
Lewis, G. P. 1998. Response of stream chemistry to forest insect defoliation on the Allegheny High Plateau, PA : 158.