
Mo, S. 1997. The chemistry and dynamics of carbon in forest soils of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest : 134.
Smith, M. E. 1997. An analysis of land gastropod population declines in the White Mountains of New Hampshire
Taliaferro, E. H. 1997. Calcium sources, storage, and cycling in populations of Dendroica caerulescens at Hubbard Brook, NH and Downer Forest, VT
Taylor, L. A. 1997. An assessment of microbial biomass across a northern hardwood forest successional sequence : 85.
Fujikawa, W. 1997. A reconstruction of the presettlement forest in the White Mountains of New Hampshire
Steinhart, G. S. 1996. Nutrient limitation of primary production and nutrient deficiency in phytoplankton in Southern Chilean lakes : 122.
Nichols, C. W. 1996. Silica as a measure of the weathering rate increase due to higher plants: A study from the Hubbard Brook Sandbox Experiment : 29.
Petras, R. 1996. Iron, zinc, and lead fractions in a northern hardwood forest soil
Schad, D. E. 1996. The biogeochemistry of silicon and sodium at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest : 124.
Lane, J. W. 1996. The use of borehole radar methods to detect a saline tracer in fractured crystalline rock : 165.
Aloi, M. A. 1996. Aluminum and proton binding characteristics of a forest floor organic horizon leachate : 142.
Arp, J. T. 1996. Ecological factors influencing habitat selection by foliage-gleaning birds along a vegetation gradient in a northern hardwoods forest ecosystem : 94.
Cramer, J. 1996. Patterns of leaf morphology in young northern hardwood forests : 17.
Wang, E. X. 1995. Chemistry and transport of lead in spodosols at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire : 195.
Hunt, P. D. 1995. Habitat selection in the American redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). The importance of early successional habitat and the role of landscape change in population declines : 152.
Letvin, E. 1994. Adsorption of trifluoroacetate, chloride and bromide on a mineral soil of a forest spodosol : 101.
Romanowicz, R. B. 1994. Changes in soil exchangeable cation pools and concentrations 8 years after whole-tree harvesting
Bailey, S. W. 1994. Biogeochemistry of aluminum and calcium in a linked forest-aquatic ecosystem : 75.
Mau, D. P. 1993. Estimating ground water recharge and baseflow from streamflow hydrographs for a small Appalachian Mountain basin : 130.
Crews, J. 1993. Nest site selection by American redstarts in a northern hardwoods ecosystem: the importance of nest predation