
Schneider, Daniel Walters 1990. Habitat duration and the community ecology of temporary ponds : 191.
Christel-Rose, Lynne Marie 1991. Monitoring the spatial distribution of aquatic macrophytes: A consideration of plant associations in Allequash Lake, Wisconsin : 269.
Jacobson, Paul Timothy 1990. Pattern and process in the distribution of cisco, Coregonus artedii, in Trout Lake, Wisconsin : 137.
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Robertson, Dale Martin 1989. The use of lake water temperature and ice cover as climatic indicators : 330.
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Knight, Susan E. 1988. The ecophysiological significance of carnivory in Utricularia vulgaris : 224.
Krabbenhoft, David Perry 1988. Hydrologic and geochemical investigations of aquifer-lake interactions at Sparkling Lake, Wisconsin : 205.
Martinez, Neo 1988. Artifacts or attributes? Effects of resolution on food-web patterns in Little Rock Lake, Wisconsin : 66.
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Sierszen, Michael Edward 1988. Zooplankton feeding ecology and the experimental acidification of Little Rock Lake : 165.
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Kenoyer, Galen J. 1986. Groundwater/lake dynamics and chemical evolution in a sandy silicate aquifer in northern Wisconsin
Marin, Luis Ernesto 1986. Spatial and temporal patterns in the hydrogeochemistry of a bog-wetland system, Northern Highlands Lake District, Wisconsin
Schneider, Daniel Walters 1986. Habitat duration and the forces structuring biotic communities in a series of temporary ponds : 91.
Detenbeck, Naomi Elizabeth 1987. Nutrient cycling and the growth of Benthic Algae in experimentally acidified Little Rock Lake, WI
Jacobson, Paul T. 1987. Size, distribution and abundance of pelagic fish by deconvolution of single-beam acoustic data: method, precision, and results : 103.
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