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2013 LTER mini-symposium to be webcast

The 2013 LTER mini-symposium themed on "The Globalization of Long Term Ecological Research" at the National Science Foundation in Washington, DC., on Thursday, February 28, will be broadcasted live on the web beginning 8:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. The live webcast, a joint effort between the LTER Network Office and NSF can be viewed at… Read more »

Develop an LTER NIS Best Practices for Designing and Writing Workflow Scripts in the PASTA Framework. February 20 – 27, 2012.

 Guide to accessing data in the NIS via the provided webservices:
 Three screen casts depicting the development of workflows for accessing data in the NIS with R, Matlab, and Kepler:

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Dr. Elanor Bell and student Eric Bottos retrieve cultures of C. raudensis from Lake Bonney in the McMurdo Dry Valleys during early winter. (Amy Chiuchiolo, Montana State University). MCM LTER. The requested page could not be found. We recently completed a site redesign. Some of the old content was moved, and some removed in order… Read more »

Using LTER Data

The LTER Network makes data available online with as few restrictions as possible. LTER data is reviewed for errors and inconsistencies and thoroughly documented so that it can be incorporated into broader comparative and synthetic studies. LTER Information Managers, stationed at each LTER site, work to ensure that LTER data is reviewed for errors and… Read more »

Writing a Data Management Plan for your NSF Proposal

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has made good the announcement in last May’s press release to require a data management plan with every NSF proposal. You will be happy to know that writing a data management plan is not difficult. While constructing the text to meet the NSF requirements does demand some attention to detail,… Read more »

Network Office holds workshop on software tools for sensor networks

In early May, the LTER Network Office organized a training workshop on “Software tools for Sensor Networks” that was attended by 24 trainees, 10 trainers and speakers, and a diverse mix of researchers, graduate students, information managers, and other skilled professionals. The training was cost-shared among the LTER Network Office, the National Center for Ecological… Read more »

Site Characteristics Climate and Productivity Table

LTER Site Table

LTER Site Characteristics Table: climate and productivity

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Site Name Ecosystem Longitude Latitude Elevation (m) > Mean Annual Temperature (C) Mean Annual Precipitation (mm) AET (mm/yr) PET (mm/yr) Drought Index ANPP (gm C/m2) Growing Season (days)

DataBits Newsletter, Fall 2011

In this issue of Databits, we see results from group and individual efforts to better serve the LTER Network, both from a technological and a socio-technical perspective. Noting that “one would be hard-pressed this fall to find an idle information manager,” IMC Co-Chairs Don Henshaw and Margaret O’Brien provide a detailed synopsis of the activities… Read more »