Soil carbon — which constitutes nearly 80% of the terrestrial carbon stock — is getting a lot of attention at the 2019 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU). Ecological process ranging from microbial metabolism to homeowner landscape decisions impact the size and stability of the soil carbon pool — which in turn affects release of carbon dioxide and the rate of climate change. The LTER soil organic matter synthesis group will be presenting insights from a set of experiments spanning the past 60 years and a data harmonization tool for aligning soil organic matter data from a wide variety of sources. This year’s roundup of talks also includes a focus on catchment science. Many LTER sites have developed and maintain massive catchment-scale experiments to test the ecosystem-level effects of changes in chemical deposition, precipitation, and forest management regimes. Their findings and techniques inform ecosystem science at multiple locations, especially including science of the critical zone. Don’t see your talk listed? Use this form to tell us about it so we can share it with your colleagues. And next year, remember to include LTER in your title, abstract, or profile! [wpdatatable id=11 table_view=regular]