April 9, 2018
News from the NCO is a forum for sharing news and activities from the Network Communications Office and from across the LTER Network. This is our water cooler. If you have personnel changes, new grants, cross-Network activities that might interest your LTER colleagues, please send them along to downs@nceas.lternet.edu.
Going to SACNAS in October?
In general, if you are going to conferences where an LTER presence would be beneficial, don’t hesitate to contact the NCO for the latest brochures and outreach materials.
Save These Dates
- NSF LTER Symposium: Understanding our Ocean Connections through Long-Term Ecological Research
April 19, 2018 NSF Headquarters, 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia - 2018 Annual Science Council and Executive Board Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin
- May 15, 2018 – Executive Board Meeting
- May 16-17, 2018 – Science Council Meeting
- May 18, 2018 – Lead PI Meeting
- 2018 LTER All Scientists Meeting
September 30-October 4, 2018 – Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California
The theme is: Next Generation Synthesis: Successes and Strategies.
Workshop submission is now open!
2018 Synthesis Webinar Series
We’ve seen about 100 individuals attending each of the three synthesis webinars that have taken place, but we can accommodate up to 1000, so please consider joining Forest Isbell and Laura Dee, this Thursday, April 12 at 11 am PDT for “Scaling-Up Productivity Responses to Changes in Biodiversity.”
Registration and videos of prior webinars are available through the website.
New LTER Website is Live!
The new LTER Network website launched in January, with a rich variety of stories about science, education, outreach, and data initiatives across the Network. Particular highlights are a section for Network resources and a listing of currently active committees with links to membership. Be sure to check out the “quick links” dropdown at the top right for the document archive and Network graphics resources. We continue working to resolve a few remaining issues regarding personnel and publications updates.
Open Positions
Several key positions are opening up around the Network. Please circulate these announcements to qualified candidates:
- Science Assistant Position at NSF
- Temporary Field Assistant at Toolik Field Station
- PhD Assistantship in Biogeochemistry at Virginia Tech – Hubbard Brook LTER
- Hydrologist (GS-1315-9/11) Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest
- Research Scientist at Beaufort Sea Lagoon Laboratory
To learn about LTER Network-related job openings as they arise, email downs@nceas.ucsb requesting to join opportunities@lternet.edu or visit our opportunities page.
Research Experience for Undergraduates and Internships
- Central Arizona-Phoenix Urban Ecology REU (2018)
- California Current Ecosystem – Long Term Ecological Research REU (2018)
Please share REU program announcements or individual REU opportunities with the LTER Network Communications Office as they arise.
Conferences, Special Issues and other Opportunities
Oceanhackweek 2018 is August 20-24, 2018 at the University of Washington, Seattle, in collaboration with the UW eScience Institute. This 5-day hands-on workshop is aimed at exploring, creating and promoting effective computation and analysis workflows for large and complex oceanographic data. All self-identified oceanographers at all career stages are welcome to apply and travel and lodging grants are available for non-local accepted participants. Learn more at: https://oceanhackweek.github.io/ Deadline to apply is May 7, 2018.
Science Outside the Lab: Urban Resilience to Extremes (SOtL UREx), presented by Arizona State University’s Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes (CSPO), explores the relationships among science, policy, and societal outcomes in a place where many important decisions about these things are made—Washington, DC. SOtL UREx anticipates funding up to 14 graduate students at up to $2,000 per applicant. Applications should be sent to Andra Williams (andra.williams@asu.edu) by Friday, April 20, 2018.
Summer Course on Critical Zone and Ecosystem Dynamics
10-18 July 2018 — Ceresole Reale, Gran Paradiso National Park, Piedmont, Italy
Intended for doctoral students, post-docs and researchers who are working or intend to work on Critical Zone processes and ecosystem dynamics, this 9-day- long summer course provides basic knowledge about the functioning of the Critical Zone and its relationships with ecosystem dynamics, focusing on aspects related to hydrology, soil geochemistry and weathering, vegetation dynamics and distribution, microbiota, biodiversity, ecosystem processes, CZ-relevant geological processes and the role of the CZ for achieving sustainable development goals. Deadline for applications: May 15th, 2018.
Arctic Data Center Synthesis Opportunity
To promote the analysis and synthesis of Arctic data, as well as to inform ongoing development of the NSF data repository, the Arctic Data Center is soliciting proposals for a Synthesis Working Group, with research to begin by October 2018. Proposals must focus on Arctic-related research issues, and primarily (but not necessarily exclusively) involve the analysis and synthesis of data contained within the Arctic Data Center Repository. We request that all synthesis proposals explicitly address factors related to one or more human dimensions of the Arctic experience, in addition to earth and environmental aspects. Proposals can be up to a maximum of 2000 words, and are due by end-of-day May 23, 2018.
LTER Science update, issued monthly, provides brief, accessible summaries of recent science from across the Network. It is designed to inform partners, educators, and the broader ecological community as well as LTER Network scientists. Please share and encourage your colleagues to subscribe.
News from the NCO, issued quarterly, provides regular organizational updates to LTER-associated personnel.
From Related Organizations:
- The LTER data repository is now the Environmental Data Initiative, serving LTER as well as a broader community of environmental biologists. Visit the EDI website and subscribe to the bi-monthly newsletter to stay up-to-date on their training webinars and in-person training opportunities.
- Critical Zone Observatory Network offers an occasional newsletter with news on Network research, education, and meeting activities.
- The International LTER Network maintains an email list and a twitter presence. Check out their new web site at https://www.ilter.network/
- Sign up for NEON’s monthly newsletter to learn more about the National Ecological Observatory Network and data collections rapidly coming online.