Poster Sessions at the 2018 All Scientists Meeting

The following posters will be presented at the 2018 LTER All Scientists’ Meeting and are organized here alphabetically by last name. Session A posters (A-F001 to A-K128) will be presented on Monday evening, October 1st and Session B posters (B-F001 to B-K130) will be presented on Tuesday evening, October 2nd. Posters labeled with F are… Read more »

Bruce Hayden: a remarkable scientist, leader, and educator

The Network received some sad news from the Virginia Coast Reserve LTER this week. They shared the following remembrance of Bruce Hayden, who passed away on September 10. A memorial service will be arranged later in the year. The family asks any donations in lieu of flowers be contributed to your local volunteer rescue squad or to support research at the Department of Environmental Sciences, UVA. 

Into the Woods and Back Again: Former Harvard Forest REU Student Fiona Jevon Returns to Mentor New Undergrads

Fiona Jevin in the field at Harvard Forest in 2010.

Every summer, NSF funds research opportunities for undergraduate students at many LTER sites across the country. These Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) expose students, often for the first time, to the world of ecological research through meaningful participation in ongoing research projects and tutelage under faculty. For many students, a summer spent participating in an… Read more »

LTER Network News: 2018 August

August 21, 2018 LTER Network News is a forum for sharing news and activities from across the LTER Network. This is our water cooler. If you have personnel changes, new grants, cross-Network activities that might interest your LTER colleagues, please send them along to 2018 LTER All Scientists’ Meeting: Next Generation Synthesis: Successes and Strategies… Read more »

Announcing the LTER ASM 2018 T-Shirt Design Competition!

  We are excited to announce the LTER #ASM2018 T-Shirt Design Competition! This competition is an opportunity for students, researchers, and others affiliated with any of the 28 LTER Network sites to showcase their artistic ability, creativity, and communication of the conference theme through graphic design. The T-shirt should incorporate the theme of this year’s… Read more »

2018 LTER All Scientists’ Meeting – Workshop Schedule Announced

glass-walled meeting room

The preliminary workshop schedule for the LTER All Scientists’ Meeting is now available. Login or create an account on Sched to build your personal meeting schedule. For full meeting information and registration, visit the All Scientists’ Meeting webpage. Simple view is below. Alternatively, view the schedule as a grid. (Drag right to see all 11 concurrent workshops.)

2018 ESA Annual Meeting Presentations

researcher up to her armpits in marshwater

2018 ESA Annual Meeting Presentations In the past year alone, extreme events including hurricanes, droughts, and extensive fires have impacted significant regions of the United States—affecting the health of both natural habitats and human communities. Fittingly, the theme of this year’s Ecological Society of America (ESA) annual meeting is ‘Extreme events, resilience and human well-being.’… Read more »

A Balancing Act for Coastal Freshwater Marshes

On the boundaries of fresh and saltwater systems, coastal marshes give rise to diverse, productive ecosystems that act as carbon sinks. Their secret? Freshwater marsh plants receive just the right amount of nutrients and salt from periodic seawater tides to thrive. However, incursions of saltwater into these systems are increasing —often caused by drought and… Read more »

Maintaining Ecosystem Services in the Yahara Watershed and Beyond

The Yahara may sound like the name of a vast desert, but it’s actually a 359-square mile watershed in southern Wisconsin. The Yahara Watershed is a mix of urbanized land (including the state capital), productive agriculture land, and a chain of lakes called the Yahara Lakes. Because of its diverse environment, the Yahara provides many… Read more »