Document Post Date
Information Management Committee Annual Report (2024)
The annual report of the information committee was presented to the Science Council at the annual meeting, June 13 in Fairbanks, AK. The Committee Representative was Sarah Elmendorf (MCM), substituting for Mary Martin (HBR).
August 6, 2024
2023 Information Management Committee Meeting Report
Annual meeting of the LTER Information Management Committee, held August 17, 2023 at DoubleTree Inn, Burlington VT, in conjunction with the 2023 ESIP Summer meeting
February 19, 2024
Information Management Committee Annual Report (2023)
The annual report for the Information Management Committee was presented at the LTER Network business meeting in association with the annual Science Council Meeting at the Kellogg Biological Station, May 12, 2023.
May 12, 2023
2022 Information Management Committee Meeting Report
Report from the 2022 meeting of the LTER Information Management Committee (IMC) held in person, the day prior to the 2022 All Scientists' Meeting (September 18, 2022).
March 20, 2023
Information Management Committee Annual Report (2021)
Prepared by the information management committee for the 2021 LTER Science Council Meeting, November 8-10, 2021, online.
November 19, 2021
LTER Information Management Committee (IMC) Bylaws, v4
LTER Information Management Committee Bylaws Version 4. Revision approved  by a 23 of 27 vote of the IMC July 27, 2021. Previous version (v3) of the IMC Bylaws. Changes include: IMExec elects their own chair(s) National Communications Office (NCO) changed to LTER Network Office (LNO) throughout the document. Reference to specific sections of the LTER... Read more »
July 27, 2021
2020 Information Management Committee Meeting Report
Summary of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the LTER Information Management Committee, held online only, due to COVID 19 travel and social distancing restrictions.
February 24, 2021
Publications and Products Instructions
We are asking sites to provide a BibTex file of publications and products that could not have been produced without LTER support. Sites maintain records of their publications in different systems (Zotero, DEIMS, EndNote, custom databases), but everyone should be able to export a BibTex file. The Network Office will combine all the files from sites... Read more »
November 4, 2020
Information Management Committee Annual Report (2020)
Prepared by the information management committee for the 2020 LTER Science Council Meeting, May 4, 2020.
June 1, 2020
2019 Information Management Committee Meeting Report
Summary of the proceedings of the 2019 meeting of the full information management committee, held in conjunction with the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) annual meeting.
April 15, 2020
2019 Summer LTER DataBits
A full slate for the Summer 2019 Databits! Site Bytes makes a triumphant return after a long absence. There is also plenty of information on new initiatives, including upgrades to PASTA, Best Practices for using Zotero to manage bibliographic data, development of a core metabase for metadata management, a chance to catch up on a... Read more »
June 26, 2019
Information Management Committee Annual Report (2019)
Prepared by the information management committee for the 2019 LTER Science Council Meeting, May 14-16, 2019.
May 21, 2019
Personnel Update Template
Please use the attached file for submitting NEW personnel updates. Use the existing entries as a guide, but delete them prior to submission. To update existing personnel, request a current download from Marty Downs, change any incorrect information and submit the updated file. When the LDAP is updated, changes will flow down to the website... Read more »
October 30, 2018
Personnel Update Instructions
Updated August 30, 2018 Instructions: A general example template is presented here, but please request an updated personnel list from the Network Office before making major updates to site personnel -- otherwise changes made by the individual or by other sites with which they are affiliated may be lost. Template:
August 30, 2018
Information Management Committee Annual Report (2018)
Presented by Wade Sheldon, Information Management Committee Representative to the LTER Executive Board, May 2018
June 7, 2018
Guidelines for Website Design and Content
These website guidelines were developed by a committee composed of information managers, communications professionals, educators and investigators. They were distributed to Information Management, Education, and Communication Committees and the Science Council for comments from March 22 to May 1, 2018. Comments were addressed and guidelines were reviewed and approved by the LTER Executive Board and Science... Read more »
May 23, 2018
2018 Information Management Committee Annual Report
The annual report of the LTER Information Management Committee, presented at the 2018 Science Council Meeting, is attached.
May 4, 2018
2017 Information Management Committee Meeting Report
The 2017 LTER Information Managers Meting was held in association with the Earth Science Information Partnership meeting in Bloomington, IN. A meeting report is attached.
May 4, 2018
2018 Terms of Reference LTER Information Management Committee
Terms of Reference LTER Information Management Committee updated and approved by the committee April 30, 2018
April 30, 2018
2018 Spring LTER Databits
The spring issue of the newly-revived DataBits is out, thanks to a reinvigorated editorial team. The full issue is available as a pdf and individual stories will also make their way onto the Network website over the next few weeks. Table of Contents Spring 2018 DataBits Featured Articles The International Long-Term Ecological Research (ILTER) Global... Read more »
March 22, 2018
Information Management System Guidelines 2018 revision
The attached LTER information management system guidelines were updated in the fall of 2017 and approved at the December 2017 Executive Board Meeting. They reflect the current state of LTER information management and the establishment of the Environmental Data Initiative.
January 29, 2018
2014 Spring LTER Databits
January 3, 2018
2014 Fall LTER Databits
January 3, 2018
2013 Spring LTER Databits
January 3, 2018
2013 Fall LTER Databits
January 3, 2018
2012 Spring LTER Databits
January 3, 2018
2012 Fall LTER Databits
January 3, 2018
2011 Spring LTER Databits
January 3, 2018
2011 Fall LTER Databits
January 3, 2018
2010 Spring LTER Databits
January 3, 2018
2010 Fall LTER Databits
January 3, 2018
2009 Spring LTER Databits
January 3, 2018
2009 Fall LTER Databits
January 3, 2018
2008 Fall Databits
January 3, 2018
Data Access Policy (revised 5/19/2017)

LTER Data Access Policy was revised at the 2017 Science Council Meeting to reflect new data sharing standards. 

May 27, 2017
1984 Letter from Susan Stafford to Data Management Workshop Attendees.

Letter with workshop materials from Susan Stafford to Data Management Workshop attendees. Provided by Don Henshaw AND

April 19, 2016
1983 LTER Data Management Report

Report of the first data management meeting held in 1983 at Cedar Creek. Provided by Don Henshaw at Andrews.

April 19, 2016
2015 LTER Information Management Committee Report
May 9, 2015
LTER DataBits Fall 2014
December 1, 2014
2014 LTER IMC Annual Meeting Report

The 2014 LTER IMC Annual Meeting was held in Copper Mountain, CO this year (July 8th ­ July 11th), in conjunction with the Federation of Earth Science and Information Partners (ESIP) summer meeting. The LTER IMC held a one day meeting on this year (July 8th) with the rest of the week open to participation in ESIP meeting activities. The LTER was well represented in the broader ESIP meeting the rest of the week, with multiple sessions led by LTER IM members covering topics both LTER­ specific and broader.

October 17, 2014
LTER DataBits Spring 2014
May 1, 2014
2014 Report of the LTER Spatial Data and Analysis Committee

Report of the LTER Spatial Data and Analysis Committee

April 17, 2014
LTER DataBits Fall 2013
December 1, 2013
2013 LTER IMC Annual Meeting Report

The annual LTER Information Managers Meeting was held July 24-25, 2013 in Fairbanks, Alaska at the University of Fairbanks, Alaska. In attendance at the meeting were representatives from 24 sites, and 3 representatives from the network office (LNO). In addition to a full 1.5-day schedule for the IMC, included in the agenda were two fields trips, an optional (23rd) tour of the Alaska Satellite Facility and an afternoon field trip (25th) to the Permafrost Tunnel Research Facility.

August 1, 2013
2013 Information Management Committee Report

2013 Information Management Committee Report

May 7, 2013
LTER DataBits Spring 2013
May 1, 2013
LTER DataBits Fall 2012
December 5, 2012
2012 Information Management Committee Annual Report
May 13, 2012
Guidelines for LTER Web Site Design and Content
This document was created by the LTER Web Site Design Working Group and reviewed
by the LTER Information Management Committee. Version 1.1. January 27, 2009
January 18, 2012
Review Criteria for LTER Information Management Systems (Version 1.1)

Reference document for formal reviews of LTER sites. Version 1.1. January 26, 2009. Created by LTER Information Managers Committee.

January 18, 2012