LTER Science Update provides short, accessible articles describing recent news and publications from across the Network. We hope you will be informed and inspired. Subscribers can sign up online and manage their own subscription settings, so feel free to share with interested colleagues. Have a recent paper or project that may be of interest? Just drop us a line at

May/June LTER Science Update Newsletter

May/June LTER Newsletter

In May and June, the Science Update Newsletter covers: laboratory findings, by Santa Barbara Coastal LTER and other researchers, that show the sensitivity of sea urchin fertilization success to ocean acidification, published in Ecology and Evolution; public preferences of cultural ecosystem services, amassed by researchers at Coweeta LTER; from Luquillo LTER, long-term patterns of arthropod abundance… Read more »

April LTER Science Update Newsletter

image of LTER Science Update newsletter

In April, the Science Update Newsletter covers: a perspective piece in Ecology Letters, by NTL and other researchers, on the history and opportunities for the field of macrosystems ecology; a comparison of the impacts of grazing and fire history on plant water use and niche structure—from researchers at the KNZ LTER; in Ecosystem Health and Sustainability,… Read more »

LTER Science Update Newsletter | March 2017

LTER science update newsletter

In March, the Science Update Newsletter covers: Announcements of three new LTER sites and the NSF symposium a HFR-LTER paper in Ecology on the influence of excess nitrogen on fungal decomposition (spoiler — it slows decomposition) a BES-LTER paper in Landscape Ecology on evolving paradigms of urban ecology a KBS-LTER study, published in Royal Society Open Science, on… Read more »

LTER Science Update Newsletter | February 2017

image of newsletter

In February, the Science Update Newsletter covers: an KBS-LTER paper in the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation on collaborative solutions to nitrogen runoff; a CCE-LTER paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on organic carbon sequestration at mesoscale ocean fronts; a BNZ-LTER study, published in Forest Ecology and Management, on the the influence of hare… Read more »

LTER Science Update Newsletter | January 2017

In January, the Science Update Newsletter covers: an MCR-LTER paper in Marine Biology on genetic variation in responses to ocean acidity and warming; a CWT-LTER paper in Global Change Biology on subsidies to net ecosystem carbon uptake through cold air drainage; a BNZ-LTER study, published in Climate Change, on the role of access to in determining availability… Read more »

LTER Science Update Newsletter | December 2016

In December, the Science Update Newsletter covers: an Ecosphere paper on demystifying governance for ecologists with links to several LTER sites and scientists, a Wetlands paper on the sensitivity of ecosystem productivity to intermittent low temperature events in the Florida Everglades, a study on the relationship of total N, total P and leaf area index… Read more »

November Science Update Newsletter

In November, the Science Update Newsletter covers: a survey of arts and humanities programs at 21 LTER sites, published in the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences; a paper in Fungal Ecology looking at the ways Harvard Forest LTER’s chronic nitrogen addition plots have restructured soil fungal communities; a multi-site experiment exploring the mechanisms relating nutrient enrichment… Read more »

LTER Science Update Launches

LTER Science Update provides short, accessible articles describing recent news and publications from across the Network. We hope you will be informed and inspired. Subscribers can sign up online and manage their own subscription settings, so feel free to share with interested colleagues. Have a recent paper or project that may be of interest? Just drop… Read more »