Pooling insights on organic matter dynamics: Five emergent themes from an LTER network-wide synthesis
LTER network scientists work together to reveal key trends in organic matter processing, storage and transport across ecosystems.
LTER network scientists work together to reveal key trends in organic matter processing, storage and transport across ecosystems.
Synthesis working groups rely heavily on in-person collaboration. Free-flowing debate on goals and methods carries over from afternoon workshops through shared dinners. There’s little substitute for the immediacy of cooking up an analytical approach, scripting it onsite, discussing results, and making revisions — all within a few hours. And the easy availability of technical, analytical… Read more »
The LTER Synchrony Synthesis group links richness synchrony to ecosystem stability in a new study, showing synchrony is a key control on ecosystem functions.
Breakout sessions from the Science Council meetings often evolve into synthesis working groups. The 2016 meeting was no exception, with a lively and challenging series of discussions resulting in six potential synthesis groups. If any of the descriptions below pique your interest, please follow up with the designated lead scientist or correspondent. How Do Abiotic Factors… Read more »
In January, as part of its mission to enhance collaboration across the LTER network, the NCO called for Synthesis Working Group proposals. The request elicited 24 highly competitive proposals that together harnessed data from all 24 LTER sites. Selection was based on scientific merit, contribution to LTER Network science, and use of novel approaches. We… Read more »