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Climate (currently inactive)

Climate is one of the key drivers for all ecosystems and ecosystems have important feedbacks on climate. Over half the LTER sites have climate as a component in their main working hypotheses. The main functions of the LTERClimate Committee are to

  1. Help coordinate intersite research activities related to climate
  2. Provide climatic analyses to support LTER ecologists
  3. Provide intersite services such as standardization of meteorological observation and consultation on climatic matters

Publications Committee [currently inactive]

The LTER Publications Committee (PC) is a network-level standing committee. The primary operational responsibility of the LTER Publications Committee is to facilitate the publication of volumes within the US LTER Science and Synthesis Series. This includes reviewing a proposed volume’s prospectus and providing a recommendation to the Executive Board regarding the volume’s suitability for inclusion in the series. 

Social-Ecological Science Interest Group (currently inactive)

The LTER Committee for Socioeconomic Research The social sciences have been incorporated to some degree in several of the LTER sites, particularly those that have received funds to conduct regional studies and the new, urban sites. Unlike the biophysical components of the LTER sites, however, there has been no structured or systematic approach to the social sciences within the entire LTER network to identify and address 1) significant social or “integrated” science questions and 2) cross-site studies.

Education and Outreach

LTER recognizes the value of sustained interactions between students, teachers, and scientists, and has launched an effort to integrate LTER science with K-12 education. Most LTER Sites conduct individual programs at the local level, and the Network supports centralized approaches to educational initiatives. Goals include: Utilizing LTER resources to enhance hands-on science learning for students Developing long-term research sites on or near school yards Facilitating communication between LTER scientists, formal and informal science educators, and school teachers.

Information Management

The Information Managers Committee is a network-wide standing committee, and so includes representation from each site. The committee meets annually to plan and coordinate Network data management activities, and a subgroup (IMExec) also meets regularly. Every third year, the IMC co-hosts the larger Environmental Information Management Conference. Activity areas that have broad reaching impact include:

Science Council

The scientific direction and vision of the LTER Network is established by the Science Council, which replaces the former Coordinating Committee.

The Council reserves ultimate authority for decisions affecting the Network, and may address any issue that arises from the Executive Board, the Network Office, or the participating LTER sites.

The Science Council has the responsibility:

Executive Board

The Executive Board of the LTER Science Council acts on behalf of the Science Council throughout the year. The Executive Board is composed of the elected Chair of the Science Council, who serves as Chair of the Executive Board; nine Members selected by individual LTER sites on a rotating basis; the Executive Director of the… Read more »