
Northington, Robert M. 2013. Effects of Experimentally-Altered Hydrology on Ecosystem Function in Headwater Streams
Rice, Joshua, S. 2013. Land Use and Runoff Generation in the Southern Appalachian Mountains : 140.
Ripken, Malena 2013. Quantifying links between natural forcing and human impacts on two southern Appalachian headwater catchments, Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory (western North Carolina, USA).
Evans, Sakura, R. 2013. Exurbanizing water: stream management decision-making among newcomer and generational landowners in southern Appalachia : 163.
Hart, Adam M. 2013. Seasonal Variation in Whole Stream Metabolism across Varying Land Use Types
Jensen, Carrie K. 2013. Scales and arrangements of large wood in streams of the Blue Ridge Mountains : 175.
Lin, Laurence ;Webster, Jackson ;Benfield, Ernest ;Barrett, John ;Claessens, Luc ;Jiao, Yan 2013. Influences of Mountainside Residential Development to Nutrient Dynamics in a Stream Network : 1-115.
Bernardes, Sergio 2013. Climatic Variability and changes in greenness and primary production in the Southeastern United States : 148.
Berón, Sara 2013. The Ordinance of 1669 in Application on the Grande Maîtrise de Toulouse as Documented by Louis de Froidour
Coughlan, Michael R. 2013. Fire Use, Landscape Transition, and the Socioecological Strategies of Households in the French Western Pyrenees
Beasley, Camille J. 2013. Avian communities in suspended development: Disentangling Mechanistic Effects of Changing Habitat Structure versus Human Habitation
Gustafson, Seth 2014. Urban political ecology and exurban environmental knowledge in post-2008 southern Appalachia : 239.
Weaver, Nathan, S. 2015. Influence of Exurban Neighborhoods on Riparian Vegetation and Stream Salamanders in the southern Appalachian Mountains
Barlow, Paige, F. 2014. Ecological, economic, and social dynamics associated with exurban development in southern appalalchia
Kraseski, Kristin 2015. Damping of Stream Temperature Time Series by Hyporheic Exchange : 140.
Gleiber, M. 2014. Long-Term Change in Copepod Community Structure in the Western Antarctic Peninsula: Linkage to Climate and Implications for Carbon Cycling M.S.: .
Ruck, K. 2013. Zooplankton prey quality and feeding dynamics along the Western Antarctic Peninsula M.S.: .
Cameron, C.S. 2015. Chemostratigrapic investigations of beaver wetlands along Jarrett Creek, North Carolina, USA.
Gorman, Kristen B. 2015. Integrative Studies of Southern Ocean Food-Webs and Pygoscelis Penguin Demography: Mechanisms of Population Response to Environmental Change PhD: .
Bresnahan, P.J. 2015. Novel Marine Inorganic Carbon Sensors for the Anthropocene