
Cappellazzi, Jed 2007. The influence of forest floor moss cover on ectomycorrhizal abundance in the central-western Oregon Cascade Mountains
Sobota, Daniel J. 2007. Linkages among land use, riparian zones, and uptake and transformation of nitrate in stream ecosystems
Dailey, Michele Meadows 2007. Meadow classification in the Willamette National Forest and conifer encroachment patterns in the Chucksney-Grasshopper Meadow Complex, western Cascade Range, Oregon
Arthur, Aaron Stone 2007. Thirty-five years of forest succession in southwest Oregon: vegetation response to three distinct logging treatments
Geren, Barbara A. 2006. Predicting sediment delivery from small catchments in the western Cascades of Oregon using the U.S.F.S. disturbed Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model
Hauck, Mark J. 2006. Isotopic composition of respired CO2 in a small watershed: development and testing of an automated sampling system and analysis of first year data
Littlefield, Samuel J. 2005. Patterns of chronic wind mortality in a small, old-growth Pseudotsuga menziesii forest in the western Cascades, Oregon
Mazurkiewicz, Adam B. 2006. Measurement and modeling the physical controls of snowmelt in the Pacific Northwest
Nicolello, Jon 2003. A study of partial logging and burning effects on stream temperature in the Blue River drainage, western Cascades, Oregon
Perry, Timothy D. 2007. Do vigorous young forests reduce streamflow? Results from up to 54 years of streamflow records in eight paired-watershed experiments in the H. J. Andrews and South Umpqua Experimental Forests
Rice, Janine M. 2007. Forest encroachment in sub-alpine meadows: responses to past and future change in climate, fire, and grazing practices
van Verseveld, Willem J. 2007. Hydro-biogeochemical coupling at the hillslope and catchment scale
Mintie, Ann T. 2002. Community profiles of ammonia oxidizers across high-elevation forest-to-meadow transects
Dereszynski, Ethan W. 2007. A probabilistic model for anomaly detection in remote sensor streams
Zaradic, Patricia A. 2003. Food limited to habitat limited: predator prey uncoupled
Sheehy, Samantha A. 2006. Exotic plant species dynamics from 1994 to 2005 on road networks in forested landscapes of western Oregon
Lang, Nicole L. 2006. The soil seed bank of an Oregon montane meadow: consequences of conifer encroachment and implications for restoration
Keefe, Robert F. 2004. Two-stage and zero-inflated modelling of forest regeneration on the Pacific Northwest coast
Woolley, Travis J. 2005. Inter-annual variability of net primary productivity across multiple spatial scales in the western Oregon Cascades: methods of estimation and examination of spatial coherence
Frady, Charles H 2005. Headwater stream macroinvertebrates of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon