LTER at ESA, 2022

ESA is always a great opportunity to present LTER research, demonstrate the power of our network, and make powerful connections across sites, institutions, and other networks. In 2022, ESA returns to an in-person format, and LTER sessions span from oral sessions, inspire talks, posters, and more. See the full list, organized by date, below. If… Read more »

Facilitating Participatory Workshops

Science workshops teach complicated concepts to a wide audience—and nailing the balance between highly technical science, accessible information, and inclusive participation can be tricky. In this workshop, Dr. Carrie Kappel covers strategies that  help workshops be more accessible to all, with an eye towards better LTER All Scientists Meeting Workshops. Open to all! July 27, 9:00… Read more »

DEIJ Storytellers Needed for the ASM

Seeds of Change will feature 4-5 speakers telling their personal experiences of change – or attempted change – in DEIJ at LTER sites.

What is an urban ecosystem?

Find out what makes an urban LTER site with examples from three ecosystems at the Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research site.