LTER Science Council 2023
Science Council FrameworkMay 10-12, 2023, Kellogg Biological StationTheme: Spatial Scaling Travel and lodging information will be distributed to invited participants. Recorded lightning talks will be available after the meeting. Much of the work that Long Term Ecological Research sites pursue addresses ecological mechanisms and is focused on a relatively local spatial scale. But for our… Read more »
Spare a thought for the roots
Nutrient addition increases aboveground plant growth more than it increases belowground plant growth, suggesting that the two are not linked.
Data Analysts at the LTER boost working group productivity
The LTER Network Office hired two data analysts, Angel Chen and Nick Lyon, in 2021 to tackle short but critical wrangling tasks during working groups’ in-person meetings. Here’s how they’ve helped groups during the past year.
Seven new synthesis working groups at the LTER
The LTER is excited to welcome seven new Synthesis Working Groups in 2023!
Update your LTERHub profile
The LTERHub was designed to give you control over your information. Graduated? Need to update your email address? Working with more than one site? Taken on a caregiving role? Once a year, we’ll ask you to take a look at your site roles, affiliations, and interests to update the directory. At the same time, we’ll… Read more »
Alpine stream chemistries are changing, but rock glaciers might not have as much influence as previously thought
While glacial thawing shapes ecosystem processes in the Green Lakes Valley, long-term data shows that it alone cannot explain the changing spatiotemporal patterns of stream chemistries.
LTER at AGU Talk Entry Form
LTER at AGU Fall Meeting, 2022
The American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting meets in Chicago this year, and begins on December 12, 2022 and runs until Friday, December 16, 2022.
DataBits Through the Years
This 30 year retrospective highlights how data management at the LTER has grown, pulling funny and interesting anecdotes for us to enjoy.