Short term trends in long term research?
Alexandra Linz describes how short term sampling can add to long-term research goals at the North Temperate Lakes LTER.
Alexandra Linz describes how short term sampling can add to long-term research goals at the North Temperate Lakes LTER.
With more than 36 years of continuous data collection across many biomes, the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network is a rich source of information for testing big-picture concepts about how ecosystems work. Luckily, the Network also brings together a group of scientists with creative ideas about how to wring new insights from diverse data… Read more »
Some bacteria become less cooperative with their plant hosts under long-term nutrient additions, finds new research by Jen Lau, an ecologist at the Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) LTER, and her collaborator Katy Heath at the University of Illinois. “A decade ago, no one was thinking about the idea of rapid evolution—the kind you could see… Read more »
SSALTER is off to Scotland once again, where Melanie Bautista highlights nitrogen experiments at an international LTER site.
For this SSALTER, Jan Holzer explains the BRACE project, a European long-term research project that uses remote sensing.
By Dušanka Krašić If it wasn’t for this geological bump (the highest peak 549m), the northern part of Serbia would remain devoid of many ecosystem services, much of its biodiversity, life forms, oxygen, historical values and research opportunities. In simple terms, it would be quite boring area. Fruška gora is the first Serbian National park, founded… Read more »
Hurricane Matthew pounded the Georgia coast on October 8. On Sapelo Island, home to the University of Georgia Marine Institute and Georgia Coastal Ecosystem (GCE) LTER field operations, trees were knocked down across the landscape, and power was out for a week. The Marine Institute itself escaped major flooding only because the storm didn’t pass… Read more »
The LTER and NEON Networks are seeking participants, especially early career scientists, for a workshop to explore synergies between the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network. The workshop will take place at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis/LTER National Communications Office located in Santa Barbara, CA… Read more »
In November, the Science Update Newsletter covers: a survey of arts and humanities programs at 21 LTER sites, published in the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences; a paper in Fungal Ecology looking at the ways Harvard Forest LTER’s chronic nitrogen addition plots have restructured soil fungal communities; a multi-site experiment exploring the mechanisms relating nutrient enrichment… Read more »
Laura Busato pens this SSALTER blog post about aquifer research in the German Lowlands at an international LTER site.