DataBits Newsletter, Fall 1999

Featured in this issue: an overview of the recently funded NSF/KDI Biodiversity partnership plans in addition to a variety of approaches to metadata, conferencing, visualization and training. DataBits continues as a semi-annual electronic publication of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. It is designed to provide a timely, online resource for research information managers and… Read more »

DataBits Newsletter, Spring 1999

Featured in this issue: NT Networks, electronic tools and LTER activities. DataBits is re-established this quarter as an electronic publication of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. It is designed to provide a timely, online resource for research information managers and to incorporate rotating co-editorship. Availability is through web browsing as well as hardcopy output…. Read more »

DataBits Newsletter, Spring 1994

Welcome to the Spring issue of Databits. Appropriately networks and their uses dominate this issue of Databits as publication on the network becomes a real possibility. The paper version of Databits will continue to be produced, but Databits will be implemented as an electronic publication as well. Past issues of Databits are available on the… Read more »

DataBits Newsletter, Summer 1993

Welcome to the summer edition of DATABITS. There have been some exciting developments in the use of Interactive Data Access Systems within the LTER network since the last DATABITS issue. This issue includes feature articles on the new All-Site Bibliography, GOPHER information server software, connecting remote PC’s to the Internet and a look at data… Read more »

DataBits Newsletter, Fall 1992

Welcome to a new issue of DATABITS! This issue has a good balance of technical and non-technical features. There are reports on the use of interactive data access and data management policies within the LTER network. There are also plenty of hints on how to better use the computers at your site, including software reviews… Read more »

DataBits Newsletter, Summer 1991

This Databits features a host of technical tips (using the LTERNET rn system and e-mail made easy) and software reviews (communications software and UNIX database software) along with our usual news from the sites. There are also articles on proprietary issues in using satellite data and a new natural resources database. The report on the… Read more »

DataBits Newsletter, Spring 1991

This DATABITS features a wide array of articles and features with information on data acquisition, data management systems, uses of LTER data and using GIS systems, plus our usual news from the sites. A new section, the Technical Forum provides a look at some methods for implementing network-wide databases for selected datasets. Table of Contents… Read more »

DataBits Newsletter, Fall 1990

Another full issue of Databits! We have a feature articles on archival storage at LTER sites, using PC-NFS and a review of two optical disks. Additionally we have reports on the LTER Data Managers Meeting(s) and the ESA LongTerm Ecological Research Section, news from the sites and two new “columns:” “GIS corner” and “I learned… Read more »

DataBits Newsletter, Summer 1990

Welcome to the summer 1990 issue of DATABITS! This issue features the agenda of the upcoming data manager’s meeting, a report on the most recent LTER Coordinating Committee meeting, reports from the sites and some hints on using Unix and MSDOS. Table of Contents From the Sites -BNZ Phyllis Adams 1 -HFR Emery Boose 1… Read more »

DataBits Newsletter, Fall 1989

This is the premier issue of an LTER-wide version of DATABITS. Its purpose is to disseminate information relevant to data manangement between data managers and PI’s within the LTER network. DATABITS can only be as successful as members of the LTER community make it. If you come across a tidbit of news, a good software… Read more »