Look at the Filters on that Rack!

Filtering is essential to research at the California Current Ecosystem LTER. Alexandra Freibott takes us through it!
Follow along with the El Nino Research Cruise!
Take a ride out to sea on the California Current Ecosystem’s Research Cruise!
Salad Cages

Christie Yorkie shows us how to sample kelp using repurposed salad containers in this SSALTER blog post from the SBC LTER.
Ants, parasitoid wasps, and bears, oh my!

Imagine a bear in your office during the workday. This is sometimes reality at the Bonanza Creek LTER, as Alexandria Wenninger tells us!
Deep Sea Diving on Shallow Reefs
Survey coral under the waves with Stella Swanson at the Moorea Coral Reef LTER site for this edition of the SSALTER blog!
LTER Student Science at the 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting
Students from the CCE and SBC LTER presented at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in 2016, as recounted for this SSALTER blog post.
What do you do at sea for a month without good internet?
Life on research ships might mean less access to internet, but it doesn’t mean less fun. Jennifer Brandon of the CCE LTER explains.
Poopy Penguins
After spending 30 days on a ship conducting research on the Antarctic ocean, I was going to get to visit my first penguin colony and I was so excited! I pictured in my mind cute little penguins, like the ones in the movie Happy Feet, jumping around rocks and playing in the water. When I… Read more »
Posts by Author Last Name
Batista, Melanie (LTSER) Plants and Nitrogen – a love & hate relationship Brandon, Jennifer (CCE) What do you do at sea for a month without good internet? Bisson, Kelsey (SBC) Contrast & Cadence Bueno de Mesquita, Cliff (NWT) Understanding species’ responses to climate change Busato, Laura (LTSER) (Don’t) judge an aquifer by its covering Chamorro, Jannine… Read more »
What is the Short Stories About Long TErm Research Blog?
Short Stories About Long Term Research is a blog created by graduate students involved in long term ecological research as a way to share our research experiences with each other and the public. The graduate students that follow and contribute to this site come from a variety of specialized fields, so our goal is to try… Read more »