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Do fish graze the way for coral recovery?

Fish clear space for corals to grow in small scale experiments. But does fish grazing cause reefs to recover faster? A new study says no.

Decadal Changes in Zooplankton Abundance and Fish Distributions

Long term changes in zooplankton abundance and biovolume were documented prior to the funding of NES LTER. The distributions of many fish species in the Mid-Atlantic Bight are shifting northward in the warming ocean. Dominant species of zooplanktivorous forage fishes have interannual, seasonal, and species-specific diet preferences. It remains unresolved how decadal changes in zooplankton… Read more »

REU Opportunities at the KBS LTER

The Kellogg Biological Station LTER is currently recruiting the 2023 cohort of REU students. Check out this great opportunity to get involved!

APEAL Surveys

We will build a better understanding of the role of public engagement with science (PES) within the 28 sites of the LTER Network by collecting survey and interview data from LTER scientists, leaders, and staff about how they consider PES, including views about PES strategy, reciprocal exchanges, and community relationships. We will co-design our survey… Read more »

APEAL Case Studies

At each of three LTER sites, in depth case studies are coupled with strategic engagement planning to investigate the community contexts of public engagement with science (PES) at that site. This work focuses on understanding community perspectives related to local LTER sites, enhancing existing relationships within these communities, and understanding how scientists might incorporate community… Read more »

Advancing Public Engagement across LTERs

The goal of the APEAL project is to understand and support the development of evidence-based public engagement with science (PES) strategies within STEM research organizations, using the LTER Network as our model. The project addresses three specific research questions: Our goal is to generate knowledge that will support scientists, scientific organizational leaders, and PES practitioners… Read more »


Advancing Public Engagement with Science across the Long Term Ecological Research Network Project Team John Besley, Ellis N. Brandt Professor, College of Communication Arts and Sciences, Michigan State University. John is responsible for LTER Network-level surveys and associated qualitative interviews. Karen Peterman, Karen Peterman Consulting, Co. Co-leads strategic engagement planning and PES monitoring system. Marty… Read more »

APEAL PES Working Group

The public engagement with science (PES) Working Group provides a mechanism for strong reciprocal connection between the proposed (PES) research and practice within the LTER Network. The Working Group brings together site leaders (scientists) and PES-related staff (outreach professionals) from ~7–9 sites across the network, including the 3 case study sites, for regular gatherings on… Read more »