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Phenology PhD Assistantship | UMaine

The research group of Dr. Sydne Record seeks applicants for one Ph.D. position in Ecology and Environmental Sciences.

NEON Land Use & Biodiversity Postdoc | UMaine

Postdoctoral Researcher Effects of Land Use on National Ecological Observatory Network Sites Sentinel Organisms University of Maine, Orono in the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Conservation Biology The research group of Dr. Sydne Record ( seeks applicants for one postdoctoral position at the University of Maine in Orono in the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and… Read more »

Arctic LTER: Fertilization, fire and plant community change

The Arctic tundra ecosystem has naturally low biodiversity and is experiencing changes due to the influences of climate change. Over the past 30+  years, researchers at the Arctic LTER site have developed a suite of experiments to study the effects of expected climate changes on the ecosystem as well as conducting continued monitoring of ecosystem… Read more »

Santa Barbara Coastal LTER: Biodiversity and marine heatwaves in the kelp forest ecosystem.

RET projects at the Santa Barbara Coastal LTER site will focus on marine heatwaves, a research focus that connects to the impact of climate change on important ecosystems.  Marine heatwaves (MHWs) – defined as prolonged periods of unusually high seawater temperatures – have emerged as disruptive forces in the kelp forest, threatening marine biodiversity and… Read more »

Andrews LTER: Forest understory biodiversity and climate change

Pacific Northwest forests contain some of the largest reserves of forests on the planet, but many questions remain unanswered about how drought and heat stress from climate change will change forest dynamics and biodiversity. RETs on this project will track understory plant populations and quantify interactions among the many important and diverse plant species in these understory ecosystems.

Andrews LTER: Biodiversity and riverscapes

Many species that rely upon mountain streams may experience stress from reduced summer habitat, increased water temperature, and increased vulnerability to predators. Which species respond and how they respond to climate change and stream drying is an important question. RETs conducting research on biodiversity and riverscapes will work alongside Dr. Ivan Arismendi from Oregon State… Read more »

A Forest of Sensors

The Andrews Forest has produced cutting-edge research for decades. Moving forward, they look to the treetops to understand the forest.