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DEIJ Storytellers Needed for the ASM

Seeds of Change will feature 4-5 speakers telling their personal experiences of change – or attempted change – in DEIJ at LTER sites.

Travel and Lodging 2022 ASM

LTER has booked the entire Asilomar Conference Center and the nearby Monarch Inn for the dates of the conference (September 18-23). Our registration site will be up and running soon. Meanwhile, the information below should allow you to make plans. The LTER Network Office covers flights, registration, and lodging for up to 8 people per… Read more »

Request for Proposals

The data produced at LTER sites are an extraordinary scientific resource that can inform a wide variety of questions. Among-site comparisons interrogate the generality of effects observed at particular sites. Modeling efforts employ long term observations and experiments to formulate and test rigorous descriptions of theory. Scaling exercises get at the continental or even global… Read more »