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Assistant Director, Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

UW-Madison Center for Limnology (CFL) is seeking outstanding candidates for the position of Assistant Director (Job Title: Research Program Manager) to join our leadership team. Applications close May 19, 2021. The Assistant Director leads and oversees operational activities of the Center for Limnology – a leading research center focused on the science of freshwater systems…. Read more »

LTER Digital Communications Coordinator

Position Description The Network Office of the Long Term Ecological Research Network (LNO) seeks a digital communications coordinator to support all aspects of communication within the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program, including content development and updates, as well as digital strategy for website, newsletters, community platform, and social media. Background The National Science Foundation’s… Read more »

LTER Diversity Committee Hosts Community Building Seminars

One goal of the LTER Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee is to facilitate the formation of spaces for community-building among those of us who do not see our identities sufficiently represented in our professional spaces. The committee’s hope is that improving cross-site interactions can help LTER community members increase connections within their professional network, facilitate… Read more »

Academic Careers Panel

Different types of academic institutions offer very different career paths, rewards, and opportunities. The job search process can also vary a great deal. How will you know where you want to land and how to get there, if you’ve only experienced the institution where you study? The LTER Graduate Student Committee and Network Office held… Read more »

Meet our LTER Graduate Student Science Writers for 2021!

We are excited to announce our 2021 cohort of LTER grad student science writers. We received a high number of impressive applications, and after much deliberation we are happy to introduce seven students who represent sites from across the network and who bring unique backgrounds, experiences, and talents to the team. Over the next year… Read more »

DataBits: Winter/Spring Edition of Site Bytes

Below you’ll find the latest roundup of IM news from sites that have updates related to new staff, funding, project development. Luquillo LTER – Miguel Leon Greetings from the Luquillo (LUQ) LTER. I’m Miguel Leon, the newish Information Manager, starting in late 2019. I came to the LTER network after about 10 years working as… Read more »

Postdoc with new Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) Urban LTER

The new Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) Urban Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) project, funded by the National Science Foundation, is seeking a postdoctoral scientist to join our research team. The MSP-LTER team is building a long-term program of research related to urban nature. This post doc will lead a project investigating why species vary in their… Read more »

New Book: The Challenges of Long Term Ecological Research: A Historical Analysis

Compiled by Bob Waide and Sharon Kingsland, with contributions from many authors across the LTER Network, this volume explores the challenges of sustaining long-term ecological research through a historical analysis of the Long Term Ecological Research Program created by the U.S. National Science Foundation in 1980. The book examines reasons for the creation of the… Read more »

LTER Workshop – Making REU Pre-Orientation Program Trailers

How do we make field experiences more approachable for students new to research and our study sites? To support participation by students underrepresented in science, we must work to balance out differences in prior experience and situational knowledge and to bridge cultural differences in perceptions of field work and field stations. One feasible approach is… Read more »