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Seasonal field research technician position in plant ecology

Position Overview Position location: Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve, University of Minnesota Faculty supervisor and lab group: Forest Isbell, Isbell Biodiversity Lab Start date: May 2021 Duration of position: Five months Research topic: Terrestrial plant community and ecosystem ecology Required qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in ecology or related fields at the time of appointment and experience conducting field research Desired qualifications: experience supervising teams of… Read more »

Postdoctoral position in plant ecology | Cedar Creek LTER

Position Overview Position location: University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota USA Department: Ecology, Evolution and Behavior Field research site: Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve Faculty supervisor and lab group: Forest Isbell, Isbell Biodiversity Lab Start date: 2021 Duration and source of funding: Three years of funding are available from an NSF award Research topic: Scaling-up understanding of biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning Required… Read more »

Postdoctoral Researcher in nitrogen and carbon cycling | Hubbard Brook LTER Site

General Description This position is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation Ecosystem Studies program addressing changes in nitrogen and carbon cycling in forests at the Hubbard Brook Long Term Ecological Research site in New Hampshire. The work will involve a mixture of modeling and measurements focused on how changes in atmospheric deposition,… Read more »

A User’s Guide to the LTERHub

The LTER Network has launched a new community platform, dubbed the LTERHub, to allow LTER participants to seek out colleagues with common interests and share information, questions, updates , and resources. The LTERHub will also be the home base for LTER committees and discussion groups going forward. Most active LTER participants have received invitations and… Read more »

Choose Your Poison: Plant Disease Outbreaks May Be Curbed by Periodic Wildfire

Wildfires have made headlines worldwide in recent years — and for good reason. Evidence points to increasing wildfire frequency and intensity across many vulnerable ecosystems as climate change impacts grow ever more evident. However, periodic wildfires in ecosystems adapted to them can actually help inhibit plant disease outbreaks, according to new research from Cedar Creek… Read more »

Implementing a Virtual Site All-Scientists’ Meeting

  By John Porter, Virginia Coastal Reserve LTER The big decision and assessing virtual meeting needs Each January, the Virginia Coast Reserve LTER holds an “All Scientists’ Meeting” to exchange information about research progress and to plan for upcoming activities over the coming year. Typically, this is an in-person meeting held at the Anheuser-Busch Coastal… Read more »

LTER Graduate Student Spotlight: Marina Lauck

This spotlight is part of an ongoing series featuring many of our LTER Network graduate student representatives who contribute valuable research and leadership across the network. To learn more about LTER graduate research, visit this page. Marina Lauck is a fourth year PhD candidate at Arizona State University and is the graduate student representative for… Read more »

Registration open for June NSF NEON Workshop

Registration is now open for an upcoming NSF NEON Workshop titled ‘Complex Landscapes at Scale: Integrating our Understanding of Managed and Unmanaged Lands at Regional to Continental Scales.’ Growing societal pressure for agriculture that is both productive and environmentally responsive creates opportunities to design crop and rangeland systems that better integrate with their wildland counterparts…. Read more »