
Sauer, Tom R. 1990. A classification system for spatial analysis of near ground level images Master's: .
Treadwell-Steitz, Carol J. 1996. Late Cenozoic landscape evolution, and soil geomorphic and geochemical factors influencing the storage and loss of carbon within a semi-arid, extensional landscape : Palo Duro Wash, Rio Grande Rift, central New Mexico Ph.D.: .
Wang, Xuefei 2001. Temporal and spatial structures of black and blue gramas: Statistical analysis of biotic and abiotic interactions from Sevilleta line-intercept transect data Master's: .
Weiss, Jeremy L. 2002. Relating vegetation variability to meteorological variables at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico Master's: 173.
Wilson, Wade D. 1998. Systematic analysis of the rodent and rabbit bot flies Cuterebra Clark 1815 Master's: .
Davidson, Ana D. 2005. The comparative and interactive effects of prairie dogs and banner-tailed kangaroo rats on plants and animals in the northern Chihuahuan Desert Ph.D.: .
Moses, Melanie E. 2005. Metabolic scaling from individuals to societies Ph.D.: .
Medeiros, Juliana S. 2003. Growth, water use, and hydraulic constraints in two size classes of Larrea tridentata Master's: .
Bhark, Eric W. 2002. Water availability to vegetation across a semiarid shrubland and grassland ecotone, Sevilleta Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico Master's: .
Boulanger, John R. 2004. Stable isotope partitioning of evapotranspiration across a shrub-grass ecotone following a precipitation event Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, USA Master's: .
Blanco-Montero, Carlos Alberto 1990. The effect of livestock grazing on the organization of arthropod assemblages in a semi-arid grassland Master's: .
Brantley, Sandra L. 1997. Surface-active arthropods at the Sevilleta LTER, New Mexico: spatial and temporal patterns in an ENSO-influenced system
Crocker, M. Tad 1995. Climatic and Geomorphic Controls on Semi-arid Fluvial Ecosystems Ph.D.: .
Cross, Anne F. 1994. Biogeochemistry at the grassland-shrubland boundary: A case study of desertification in the northern Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico Master's: .
Decker, Kimberly H. 1999. Endoparasitic infection of Dipodomys and Perognathus species on the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, 1989-1998 Master's: .
Gage, Charles C. 1990. An Investigation of Feature Extraction Techniques Applied to Near Ground Level Imagery Master's: .
Garcia-Bustamante, Joslyn M. 2000. Prehistoric human carrying capacity and economic land use value of the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge and the Jornada LTER Master's: .
Buxbaum, CAZ 2003. Landscape heterogeneity, soil development, precipitation regime, and growth and distribution of vegetation in a desert-grassland ecotone
Friggens, Michael T 2003. Relating small mammal dynamics to precipitation and vegetation on the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico Master's: .
Stewart, C.E. 2006. Soil carbon saturation: A New model of soil organic matter stabilization and turnover