The LTER Network makes data available online with as few restrictions as possible. LTER data is reviewed for errors and inconsistencies and thoroughly documented so that it can be incorporated into broader comparative and synthetic studies. LTER Information Managers, stationed at each LTER site, work to ensure that LTER data is reviewed for errors and inconsistencies and thoroughly documented so that it can be incorporated into broader comparative and synthetic studies.

LTER data form the backbone of long-term ecological inquiry. Freely available data are used and reused many times over, often to answer unexpected questions years after their collection. And, data form the backbone of cross-site synthesis, both within the LTER network and beyond.

How to access LTER data

Environmental Data Initiative

The Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) is the main repository for LTER data. EDI is an environmental data repository that curates and maintains data from many environmental science research programs — especially those funded through NSF’s Division of Environmental Biology. It grew out of the information management systems and practices of the LTER Network and was established as an independent program in 2016.

Regional Repositories

LTER data are also available through disciplinary or regional repositories such as the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO), the Arctic Data Center, the Dryad Digital Repository, and others. The most comprehensive search of public data at this time is available via the DataONE Federation, LTER member node.

Local Site Catalogues

Many LTER sites also have a local data catalog that includes LTER and non-LTER data, presented in a way that is most usable for site-based researchers. It may also include data that are not yet publicly available because it hasn’t been cleaned and documented or because manuscripts using the data haven’t yet been submitted to journals.

Credit: Jornada Basin LTER (right) & Moorea Coral Reef LTER (left), CC BY-SA 4.0.

Using LTER Data: Best Practices

We love it when LTER data can contribute to scientific discovery and environmental management in unexpected ways and we encourage researchers to cite LTER data using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) associated with each data package.

When using data collected by another investigator, it is both courteous and wise to make direct contact with the investigator before incorporating the data into your analyses. Contact information and funding sources are available in the metadata associated with each data package.

The LTER Data Access Policy was last updated at the 2017 LTER Science Council Meeting. Guidelines for LTER information management systems were updated in Fall, 2017.

LTER Data Community

LTER Information Managers have a strong cross-site community, with weekly watercooler meetings to share all sorts of data management ideas plus formal meetings across the network. They also publish the DataBits Newsletter approximately twice a year, with updates on information activities at sites and deep dives into topics of interest to LTER and other Environmental Information Managers. All current and past issues are available in the LTER DataBits archive.

Recent DataBits Stories

  • DataBits Newsletter, Spring 1991

    This DATABITS features a wide array of articles and features with information on data acquisition, data management systems, uses of LTER data and using GIS systems, plus our usual news from the sites. A new section, the Technical Forum provides a look at some methods for implementing network-wide databases for selected datasets. Table of Contents……


  • DataBits Newsletter, Fall 1990

    Another full issue of Databits! We have a feature articles on archival storage at LTER sites, using PC-NFS and a review of two optical disks. Additionally we have reports on the LTER Data Managers Meeting(s) and the ESA LongTerm Ecological Research Section, news from the sites and two new “columns:” “GIS corner” and “I learned……


  • DataBits Newsletter, Summer 1990

    Welcome to the summer 1990 issue of DATABITS! This issue features the agenda of the upcoming data manager’s meeting, a report on the most recent LTER Coordinating Committee meeting, reports from the sites and some hints on using Unix and MSDOS. Table of Contents From the Sites -BNZ Phyllis Adams 1 -HFR Emery Boose 1……


  • DataBits Newsletter, Fall 1989

    This is the premier issue of an LTER-wide version of DATABITS. Its purpose is to disseminate information relevant to data manangement between data managers and PI’s within the LTER network. DATABITS can only be as successful as members of the LTER community make it. If you come across a tidbit of news, a good software……


LTER Site Information Managers

Site NameData Manager
Andrews Forest LTERSuzanne Remillard
Arctic LTERJames Laundre
Baltimore Ecosystem StudyMary Martin
Beaufort Lagoon Ecosystems LTERTim Whiteaker
Bonanza Creek LTERJason Downing
California Current Ecosystem LTERMarina Frants
Cedar Creek LTERDan Bahauddin
Central Arizona - Phoenix LTERStevan Earl
Coweeta LTER
Florida Coastal Everglades LTERGabriel Kamener
Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTERAdam Sapp
Harvard Forest LTEREmery Boose
Hubbard Brook LTERMary Martin
Jornada Basin LTERGreg Maurer
Kellogg Biological Station LTERSven Bohm
Konza Prairie LTERYang Xia
LTER Network Office (UCSB)Nick Lyon
Luquillo LTERMiguel Leon
McMurdo Dry Valleys LTERRenée F. Brown
Minneapolis-St. Paul LTERMary Marek-Spartz
Moorea Coral Reef LTERHillary Krumbholz
Niwot Ridge LTERSarah Elmendorf
North Temperate Lakes LTERMark Gahler
Northeast U.S. Shelf LTERKate Morkeski
Northern Gulf of Alaska LTERChris Turner
Palmer Antarctica LTERSage Lichtenwalner
Plum Island Ecosystems LTERRisa McNellis
Santa Barbara Coastal LTERLi Kui
Sevilleta LTERAra Winter
Shortgrass Steppe LTER
Virginia Coast Reserve LTERJohn Porter