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Bolstering climate change resilience through modeling

Using models to flesh out alternative futures for the Everglades under different rainfall scenarios, researchers provide much-needed detail for water and environment managers.

Legacy carbon takes a hit as younger forest stands burn

In 2014, massive wildfires swept through the Northwest Territories of Canada, burning over two million hectares of boreal forest, as well as the highly organic soils on which they stood. Researchers with the Bonanza Creek LTER used this unplanned experiment to learn whether the carbon released from burned land had been recently deposited or if… Read more »

You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone – or at least threatened

Credit: Jack Pearce via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)Species that are abundant often go ignored by conservation planning until an acute threat to their populations emerge – and by then, sometimes it’s too late. According to a new article in the journal Ecosphere, common species are often critically important as structural, dominant, or foundation species in… Read more »

Diverse soil improves plant diversity after all!

It stands to reason that variable environmental conditions would support greater plant diversity, but few experiments have offered concrete support for the “environmental heterogeneity hypothesis.” In re-establishing tallgrass prairie, the correlation took over 15 years to emerge.

AIBS Workshop: Enabling Interdisciplinary and Team Science

From the AIBS Public Policy Report: Credit: M. Downs/LTER-NCO. CC BY-SA 4.0.Reports abound from professional societies, the Academies, government agencies, and researchers calling attention to the fact that science is increasingly an interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, inter-institutional, and international endeavor. In short, science has become a “team sport.” There is a real and present need to better… Read more »

Assistant Professor Position at Scripps Institute of Oceanography

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR POSITION AT SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY, UC San Diego – Biological Oceanography Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) at the University of California San Diego invites applications to an assistant-level faculty position to be filled in one of the fields described below. We seek a motivated, broad-thinking scientist-educator to establish a vigorous research program and… Read more »

Graduate Assistantship in Forest Nutrient Cycling at Hubbard Brook and Bartlett Experimental Forest

Ruth Yanai is seeking new graduate students (MS or PhD) to participate in a large collaborative project investigating above and belowground carbon allocation, nutrient cycling, and tradeoffs involved in multiple resource allocation.  The Multiple Element Limitation in Northern Hardwood Ecosystems (MELNHE) project has field sites located at Hubbard Brook, Jeffers Brook, and Bartlett Experimental Forests… Read more »

A walk in the woods – 17 years later

by Ian Yesilonis (Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER) Walking through the woods and observing the trees and animals is something I have always loved to do growing up in Baltimore.  Our temperate deciduous forests in the city are typically smaller patches; however, one park, the Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park (1,216 acres), is quite large and also has big… Read more »

Prescribed Burn Technician

Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve, a field station of the University of Minnesota, is looking for four to eight technicians to assist in our spring prescribed burn program.  The positions could start anywhere from March 16th to April 6th and end around mid-May (start and end dates are weather dependent). This is a 40 hour per week… Read more »