Resilience on the Prairie: Disturbance Effects on Grassland Plant-Pollinator Communities

The majority of grasslands around the world have been destroyed or converted for human use, either for agricultural or urban development. In North America, for example, only four percent of the once vast tallgrass prairies are left. Understanding grassland community dynamics could be a critical part of conserving those that remain.   Plant-pollinator relationships are… Read more »

LTER Road trip: Wildlife-Equipment Interactions in the Jungle

The boat whizzed past the mangrove trees in Everglades National Park, creating a blur of blue water and green leaves. Rafael Travieso, our captain and lead technician for Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE) LTER, expertly guided us through Shark Slough to a partially hidden wooden dock. Slowing down, we glided forward until the tip of the boat barely tapped the wooden structure, which created a platform for a solar panel and what looks like a barrel.

The Joint Conference on Forests and Water

stream rushing through a forest landscape

Abstracts sought for The Joint Conference on Forests and Water 2018 submission process, 05 – 09 November · Valdivia, Chile The Joint Conference on Forests and Water 2018, which brings together the II Congreso Latinoamericano Bosques y Agua and the V IUFRO Conference on Forests and Water in a Changing Environment, is ready to receive abstracts on… Read more »

LTER Road Trip: How Tiny Algae Could Predict Changes in the Everglades

Coastal mangroves in Everglades National park

Viviana Mazzei studies organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye. When I toured the Florida Coastal Everglades LTER research sites in Everglades National Park, my eyes were drawn to the mangrove trees, the dolphins, the birds. But when Mazzei, a Ph.D. student at Florida International University, wades through these ecosystems, she is on the look-out for something much smaller: diatoms, a type of single-cell algae, that thrive in this aquatic environment.

LTER Road Trip: Slip-Sliding through the Decades

A tagged tree on transect #327 in Coweeta Experimental Forest.

I paused at the top of Coweeta Hydrologic Lab’s transect #327, peering down, down, down at the slope beneath me. Katie Bower, a research technician at Coweeta, and two summer interns had already started down the narrow pathway, accustomed to its slippery leaf layer and sharp contours.

LTER Road Trip: The Georgia Coastal Ecosystem Schoolyard Program

Research Technician Tim Montgomery records water quality data with a teacher during the GCE schoolyard summer workshop.

During their week out at the University of Georgia Marine Institute on Sapelo Island, teachers divide their time between assisting with research in outdoor settings alongside GCE scientists and graduate students and discussing the implementation of the information and experiences into their own teaching settings.

LTER All Scientists’ Meeting October 1-4, 2018

2018 LTER ASM — Next Generation Synthesis: Strategies and Solutions Planning for the 2018 LTER All Scientists’ Meeting is underway. Dates: Pre-meeting: September 30, 2018 Science Council and other committee meetings Main Meeting: October 1-4, 2018 Credit: © Asilomar Conference GroundsLocation: Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA Planning Committee: Katharine Suding, Niwot Ridge LTER (Chair) Sven… Read more »

LTER Road Trip: Exploring the Everglades

When most people think of the Florida Everglades, they picture alligators hiding amongst labyrinths of marsh grass, the famous boardwalks of the Anhinga Trail, or the tightly clustered mangrove trees that border both the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Yet, few are aware that Everglades National Park also hosts critically important ecological research sites, where scientists from the Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE) Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) station learn about the inner workings of this incredible ecosystem, as well as how it’s responding to human activities.

Warmer winters have diverse effects on tree growth

Every step of a tree’s growth is on a strict time-table, from the first emergence of life sprouting up through the soil to the formation of vast green canopies that block out almost all of the sun’s light. These growth cycles (budding leaves, flowering, etc.) are controlled by various environmental factors that act as cues… Read more »